Oportunitati de finantare

In Constructie


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Title: “The Way to United Europe”
Project type: SOCRATES / GRUNDTVIG 1 - pilot project
Ref. no.: 87759-CP-1-2000-1-BG-GRUNDTVIG-ADU
Duration: 2 years
Actual stage: finalised, with the Final Report approved by the European Commission
Total value of the Contract: 447149 Euros
Total value for the University of Pitesti: 52857 Euros

The project aims at imparting knowledge about key historical, cultural and socio-economic processes which took place in each partner country after WWII and which paved the way to European unification. It will enlarge knowledge of the European Union's history and European national cultures.
The project has 2 target groups. Target group 1 (henceforth to be designated as "learner group" or l.g.) comprises a number of socially disadvantaged adults such as temporarily unemployed people, members of minority groups or immigrants, who are ro be taught by properly qualified participants in the project . Target group 2 (henceforth to be designated as "trainee group" or t.g.) consists of qualified professionals who are to be trained to use the project's materials and to teach similar groups of adult learners through educational strategies and methods devised by the project partners. Instruction is to be based at educational institutions, information and cultural centres and adult education centres.
Main activities:
• organisation of 1 starting meeting and 4 workshops in the frame of the project meetings organised by the European Commission twice a year;
• collection, analysis and processing of relevant data;
• development of a methodology for the presentation of the data;
• translation of each partner country's material into English;
• production of CD-ROM materials with multimedia information;
• design of the website and uploading onto Internet;
• deviising of educational strategies and methods for the teaching of l.g.;
• training of relevant teaching staff (t.g.);
• monitoring and evaluation of all activities.
Outcomes and products:
• better understanding of how the idea of a united Europe emerged and what the European Union is;
• the development of a sense of shared European identity;
• knowledge of individual European cultures;
• higher educational standards and more opportunities for professional fulfillment for the two target groups;
• CD-ROM materials with multimedia information on all partner countries;
• a website;
• 15 trained adult learners (l.g.);
• 15 fully trained specialised teachers (t.g.).
• Coordinator – St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo - Bulgaria
• KaHo Sint-Lieven - Belgium
• Veliko Turnovo Branch of the Bulgarian Union of Scholars and Scientists - Bulgaria
• Centre multimedia Montaigne - France
• PBW - Germany
• ZAWiW - Germany
• Scuola Media Statale “A. Manzoni” Centro Territoriale - Italy
• ISTORECO - Italy
• SIF - Lithuania
• University of Pitesti - Romania
• Àgora - Spain
• Tejinas Adult Education Centre - Spain
• ABF Norra Stor-Stockholm - Sweden
• School for Professional Education and Development at Leeds Metropolitan University - United Kingdom


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