Oportunitati de finantare

In Constructie


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Project type: SOCRATES / GRUNDTVIG 2 - pilot project
Ref. no.: 02-G2-40-AG-RO

Duration: 2 years
Actual stage: Finalised, with the Final Report approved by the European Commission
Total value of the Contract: 50000 Euros
Total value for the University of Pitesti: 10000 Euros

This Learning Partnership project has as main goal to promote good practices in adult education evaluation, by designing a modern methodology for the didactic evaluation and assessment in adult education and training.
This will consist of new, modern methods and means developed for the adult evaluation and will be materialised through a package of evaluation and assessment tools, suitable for divers training situations in the field of adult education.

• To put in common the actual knowledge and experience of different European countries, in adult evaluation.
• To improve the existing background related to adults evaluation (methods, techniques, tools).
• To develop and to offer modern learning materials for the teachers/trainers/educators in the field of adults evaluation.
• To share new didactic and pedagogical approaches in adult education.
• To produce a set of evaluation instruments for adult education.

Target Group:
Teachers, trainers, educators (involved in AE).

Expected Results:
• Transnational synthesis-report about the actual situation of the evaluation in adult education.
• General report concerning the evaluation needs analysis.
• Evaluation guide for adult education.
• Evaluation prototypes - instruments.
• Final form of the evaluation guide and evaluation prototype - instruments.
• A set of evaluation data and information.
• A set of evaluation instruments.
• A collection of brochures destined to the two envisaged directions.
• Educational products translated into English and French.
• Training certificates related to new skills in adults evaluation.
• Workshops, press conferences, seminars.

• University of Pitesti, ROMANIA
• Agencia Para o Desenvolvimento Local no Alentejo Sudoeste, PORTUGAL
• Verein Ammimbo, AUSTRIA
• Rectorat / DAFCO, FRANCE
• Quarries Caring for People, UNITED KINGDOM
• School Inspectorate of the Maramures County, ROMANIA



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