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In Constructie


Community centres PDF Imprimare Email

Title: “Community Centres promoting Sustainable Living”
Project type: SOCRATES / GRUNDTVIG 1 - pilot project
Ref. no.: 100396-CP-1-2002-1-MT-GRUNDTVIG-G1
Duration: 3 years
Actual stage: Finalised, with the Final Report approved by the European Commission
Commission for analyse and approval
Total value of the Contract: 703174 Euros
Total value for the University of Pitesti: 53953 Euros

The proposed three-year project aims to initiate, in partner countries, Community Centres that bring together the synergistic efforts and resources of formal educational institutions, NGOs, local councils and adults to promote sustainable living particularly in marginalized and disadvantaged communities. This will be achieved by exploring specific community needs and by helping community members to design programmes that respond to these requirements. The project will initially establish a common research language and define criteria for action by gathering research literature, examples of good practice and field data. During the experimental stage, when pilot Community Centres will be set up, a concurrent formative project evaluation exercise will be launched. The project will document the experiences gathered, relate them within a European context and widely disseminate guidelines and training manuals for the setting up of similar Communities Centres in other countries in the region providing a sound basis for a Grundtvig 4 network.

Aims & Objectives:
The proposed project will enable participants to:
(a) identify environmental issues that are relevant to the community, understand the various aspects of these issues and explore ways of resolving them,
(b) utilise Community Centres to organise, develop and disseminate adult education programmes aimed at empowering citizens with the knowledge, skills and attitudes required for them to become active decision makers on issues concerning the environment,
(c) organise, in collaboration with other project partners (local and regional), grassroots initiated environmental initiatives,
(d) pool in and tap on environmental research carried out by the European Commission and different European universities and NGOs,
(e) set up a web-based information network about the state of the environment in their community to facilitate access of information by adult learners. The sites of the various partners will be linked together so as to promote comparative studies,
(f) document the development of the project in order to prepare a handbook of good practice that could be used by other communities wishing to embark on a similar project, and
(g) widely disseminate the experiences learned from the project in electronic format, and handbooks and by initiating a Grundtvig 4 network that will sustain the initiatives generated by this project.

• University of Malta – Malta
• University of Pitesti - Romania
• DEMA - Spain
• Legambiente - Italy
• Regione ABruzzo - Italy
• Epimorfotiki Kilkis Ltd. - Greece
• Friends of the Earth - Malta
• Latvian Adult Education Association – Latvia
• Edinburgh TelfordCollege - Scotland
• Ecognosia - Cyprus
• Phoenix Carita Society - Romania
• Friends of the Earth - Cyprus



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