Oportunitati de finantare

In Constructie


CABLE PDF Imprimare Email

Title: Case-based e-learning for educators [CABLE]
Project type : SOCRATES / MINERVA - pilot project
Ref. no.: 109883 - CP -1-2003-1- IT - MINERVA - M

Promoter/coordinator: Politecnico di Torino, IT
Duration: 2 years
Actual stage: Finalised, with the Final Report approved by the European Commission
Total value of the Contract: 726.052 Euros
Total value for the University of Pitesti : 55.000 Euros
The primary goal of the CABLE project is to develop methodologies, which enable e-learning tools supporting educational operators (learning facilitators, primary and high-school teachers, university professors, schools for social operators, etc.).

The project will address this problem by exploiting a learning approach based on the availability and exploitation of a pre-existing extensive archive of case studies which can be termed as a community memory, sometimes referred to as an organizational memory. This community memory is by its nature extensible and dynamic. CABLE postulates that only through the study and comparison of other people's experiences, interpreted in their specific context, will personal knowledge and skills, including intervention skills, be improved. The entire acquisition of new knowledge can be strengthened by seeing linguistic and cultural differences as resources rather than barriers. The learning approach will be based on the development of synthetic and composable didactical modules, based on a narrative language structure, and linked to more analytical in-depth material composed of theoretical contributions, normative references, context descriptions, etc. Each didactical module is associated to a set of real-world on-going case studies, that will be used as teaching examples, as material to develop and sharpen interpretation abilities, as contact points for social interactions, and as a basis for self-assessment and self-evaluation.

The database of case studies will be a continuously evolving system, open to contributions by different operators, including experiences of the students themselves (either already known or collected as part of the learning process), thus creating an active collaboration and synergistic growth of abilities to support a community of practice.

Universitatea din Pite??ti - RO
Comune di Torino - IT
Friedrich-von-Bodelschwingh-Schulen, Berufskolleg Bethel - DE
Institut de Formation Professionnelle - FR
CEMEA Belgique Service d'Education Permanente - BE
Direzione Didattica 2° Circolo-Mondovi - IT
Sabhal Mor Ostaig, UHI Millennium Institute - UK
Yrkesh??gskolan Sydv?¤st
Utbildningsprogrammet f??r informationsteknik - FI
Universitat de Barcelona - ES



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