Oportunitati de finantare
In Constructie
Title: European Training for Student Teachers in Sciences [EU-TRAIN] Project type: SOCRATES/ COMENIUS 2.1 – pilot project
Promoter/coordinator: University of Helsinki, FI Duration: 3 years Total value of the Contract: 287382 Euros Total value for the University of Pitesti: 28610 Euros
Summary: The main objective of this project is to present guidelines for unified initial training of science teachers in participating countries. This objective is achieved through elaboration of common, flexible curriculum for periods of teaching practice including mobility of student teachers in partner countries. The second objective is to make the departments of physics, chemistry, teacher education and teacher training schools to work together developing initial training of science teachers and mobility during school practice and so facilitate the mobility of future teachers of physics and chemistry and their access to EU professional market. The direct beneficiaries are future science teachers, university teacher trainers, sending and receiving institutions and schools. The main activity is to compare initial teachers’ training programme in partner institutions, aiming especially at identifying common parts of the contents of school teaching practices and ways to perform them. Students’ mobility in two phases is a tool to find the best practices and to identify common needs of trainees and trainers. The expected outputs are: 1. informative web pages are developed. 2. the book of training programme for science teachers will be written and published. 3. reports will be sent to educational authorities in each participating country with recommendations for national programs of science teachers’ training.
Partnership: 1. UNIVERSITY OF PITESTI – RO 2. Jyv?¤skyl?¤ University – FI 3. University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski” – BG 4. University of Tartu – EE 5. NICOLAUS COPERNICUS UNIVERSITY – PL |