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In Constructie


Comenius Training Course PDF Imprimare Email

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite you to attend an international training course designed as a result of the transnational Comenius 2.1 project titled "Science as a Tool for Life: Conceptual Change" [CON-SCIENCE], coordinated by Universidad Complutense de Madrid,Spain.
The Comenius training course is titled "The re-conceptualization of Science teaching from a Constructivist Perspective" and it is published in the Comenius - Grundtvig Training Database (where you can find it) with the reference number RO-2007-054-001. The training course is organised by the University of Pitesti, Romania together with the partners of the above mentioned project and will be held between 2nd - 6th of July 2007, in Pitesti (Romania). Course language will be English.
Below there are files that you may downloadM course description, information about how to obtain financial support from your National Agency for Community Programmes (former Socrates Agency) and Registration Form.
Those who are interested in attending this course, please note that financial support may be obtained from your National Agency for Community Programmes, as grant for individual mobilities for in-service teachers. The grant covers travel expenses, accommodation and subsistence, course fee. In case of interest, please contact your National Agency for Community Programmes (address of all National Agencies for Community Programmes at:
http://ec.europa.eu/education/programmes/socrates/nat-est_en.html )

Also, we kindly ask you to forward this invitation to your colleagues and friends.

Please contact us if you have any further questions!

Dr. Georgeta CHIRLESAN
University of Pitesti

Targu din Vale, No.1

Pitesti - 110040

Tel./Fax: +40 248 222 260
Mobile: +40 723 261 005
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