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Title: Development of Systems for Vocational Teacher Qualification Improvement


Project type: Leonardo da Vinci – pilot project
Ref. no.: LT/06/B/F/PP-17/009

Centre for Vocational Education and Research at Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania

Duration: 2 years

Actual stage: finalised, with the Final Report under the evaluation of the European Commission
Total value of the Contract: 426524 Euro


Project aims to develop the systems of vocational teacher qualification improvement in partner countries emphasizing the pivotal role of vocational teacher when implementing the objectives set in documents of Lisbon, Berlin and Copenhagen.

Direct project target groups are tutors of vocational teacher professional development. Vocational teachers (in vocational schools and adult training centers) are the indirect target groups. The final and potential users of the project results are the Ministries of Education and Science as well as the institutions tackling the vocational teacher professional development in partner countries.

Specific project goals are related to the improvement of interaction between VET institutions and world of work and transfer of scientific innovations and that of world of work to vocational training curriculum and also the enhancement of social partnership in vocational  training development and employment increase.

Project is aimed at the development of modern methodological base for the sustainability of national systems for vocational teacher qualification improvement perceiving them as autonomous systems interacting with national education and vocational training systems. Vocational teacher professional development is exceptional as it in great part depends on processes in the world of activity and urgency to transfer the requirements of the world of work into the teaching process.  This is a complex task requiring particular methodology. In this way the project offers some new and innovative aspects.

Implementation of the project idea will focus on methodology promoting the emerge of social partnership (among state, employers and employees organization) in order to share responsibility (in defining qualification improvement goals and content) and combine them with the actual needs of vocational teachers. The methodology will be transferred to information transmitters who will ensure the wide and full-scale sharing of innovations among the target group.

The following project results are foreseen:

a study  presenting the experience of vocational teacher professional development in partner countries;

a methodical publication determining methodology of  vocational teacher professional development curriculum;

qualification description for tutors of vocational teacher professional development;

training program for tutors of vocational teacher professional development;

tutors – multipliers of vocational teacher qualification improvement – 2 tutors for each partner country;

political documents on development of national systems for vocational teacher qualification improvement;

project website and newsletter.

Project results will be matched with the objectives and opportunities of the existing national and international networks of vocational teacher training (CEDEFOP) and placed into their websites.

Valorization of mediate and final project products will be ensured by national and international dissemination of project objectives, activities and results as well as by the measures ensuring sustainability of project achievements in vocational training policy of the partner countries.

Involvement of partners subordinated to national Ministries of Education and Science will support valorization of the project at political level.

Six work packages are foreseen to achieve the project goals: the preliminary stage, experience study, methodology development, training program for tutors, piloting the training program for tutors, political sustainability and valorization.


  1. Centre for Vocational Education and Research (CVER), Vytautas Magnus University, LT – coordinator
  2. Department of Vocational and Economic Education, University of Stuttgart, DE
  3. University of Pitesti, RO
  4. Plan Consulting Company
  5. Häme Polytechnic Vocational Teacher Education College, FI


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