Oportunitati de finantare
In Constructie
ePortfolio |
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Title: ePortfolio Readiness [ePortfolio] Project type: Research Cooperation & Networking between Austria and South Eastern Europe – pilot project Duration: 1 year Total value for the University of Pitesti: 4400 Euros Subject area educational policy, lifelong learning, educational technologies
The main aim of the project addresses the domain of lifelong learning in terms of educational policy perspectives and in terms of individual learners´ perspectives. The rise of ePortfolio-related technologies and initiatives empowers both the policy makers and the individual. To enable purposeful implementation and use of ePortfolios on a larger scale it is essential to build on well-grounded strategies. This project intends to identify the strategies and the readiness of all SEE countries to respond to the requirements of a modern learning society.
+ identifying the current status of ePortfolio policies of all SEE countries + identifying and compare the current status of ePortfolio policies of Austria and of European countries with advanced experiences such as UK and NL + analysing national or regional positions, engagements and strategies relative to eventual ePortfolio activities + concluding upon the current trends and emerging issues in the countries involved + evaluating ePortfolio readiness in the country or in the region involved (based on general criteria and criteria to be developed) + providing case studies, best practice examples and recommendations for ePortfolio implementation in SEE countries + initiating networking with the organisations involved in ePortfolio implementations between EU and SEE Brief description of the activities
The partners do have a basic overview of the issues addressed specific for their own countries. To cover an extended view encompassing all SEE countries in addition each partner will investigate ePortfolio-related activities in two neighbouring countries in a second approach: The Croatian partner will investigate Slovenia and Bosnia-Herzegovina The Romanian partner will investigate Serbia (including Kosovo) and Montenegro The Bulgarian partner will investigate Albania and FYR of Macedonia The Austrian partner will investigate other European countries such as UK and NL The investigations include: - scanning for publications of ePortfolio or better to say eLearning policy papers - scanning for ePortfolio activities (concepts, research, networking) - scanning for ePortfolio implementations - interviewing experts, stakeholders and policy makers
Milestones Sep 07 week 36: Kick-off Workshop in Split (ePortfolio assessments) Jan 08 week 5: Interim Report (investigations of ePortfolio-related activities) Feb 08 week 9: Evaluation Results (synthesis of findings) Mar 08 week 11: User Guide (case studies, recommendations) Apr 08 week 16: Final Report, Video Conference (conclusions, dissemination)