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Title: Developing European Language Portfolio for the Deaf [DEAF]

Project type: LLP / Key Activities 2 – Languages Multilateral Projects
Ref. no.: 143512- BG-2008-KA2-KA2MP


Promoter /Coordinator: The European Centre for Education and Training, Bulgaria

Duration: 2 years
Actual stage: Finalised

Total value of the Contract: 487200 Euro

Total value for the University of Pitesti: 29369 Euro


The DeafPort model of the European Language Portfolio will address the language learning needs of the deaf and hearing-impaired, and will put language teaching and learning of the target group in the context of common European standards, in order to:

  • provide transparent and reliable information on language skills and competences of the learners
  • keep records of achievements in their language learning
  • maintain their motivation for language learning
  • plan their learning strategy
  • enhance their plurilingual and intercultural experience
  • The project main beneficiary will be deaf and hearing-impaired learners of foreign languages who will be provided with a tool based on common European standards. As the DeafPort will help direct the process of acquisition of language competence and to introduce a basis for assessment of their language skills, it will also be an useful tool, that
  • will help language teachers
  • to understand better the needs of deaf and hearing-impaired learners
  • to monitor teaching process, and
  • to assess the effectiveness of the pedagogical strategy
  • will provide a basis for developers of curricula and assessment materials
  • to use descriptors relevant for this specific group of learners in order to design courses and tests for definite levels of deaf and hearing-impaired learners
  • will provide a tool to educational establishments and employers
  • to assess language proficiency of the deaf and hearing-impaired, applying for a training course or job, or taking part in an international event




The main objective is to develop a multilingual European Language Portfolio for the Deaf and Hearing-Impaired (16+) with a view to:

  • enhancing their motivation to develop, extend and diversify their language skills;
  • helping them to reflect on their objectives, ways of and success in language learning;
  • developing their capacity for independent learning;
  • addressing learning needs in the most comprehensive way, providing suitable format and adaptation of descriptions;
  • introducing commonly recognized standards and ensuring transparency and coherence in language learning


  • Outcomes:
  • European Language Portfolio for the deaf and hearing-impaired in paper and electronic format including:
    • Language Passport
    • Language Biography
    • Dossier
  • Teacher’s Guide
  • User’s Guide
  • Europass Language Passport
  • Language descriptors and self-assessment grids/checklists for the deaf and hearing-impaired
  • Project website




1.    ECET, Sofia, BG, promoter and coordinator

2.    School for the Deaf, Sofia, BG

3.    Bulgarian National Agency, EuroPass department

4.    University of West Bohemia, Plzen, CZ

5.    ICC-The European Language Network, DE

6.    Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, EL (Greece)

7.    CINOP, NL (The Netherlands)

8.    University of Pitesti, RO

9.    University of Westminster, UK

10.  Adroit, UK


Project's website:  www.deafport.eu



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