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Title: International Business mManagement - Intensive Programme [IBMIP]

Project type: LLP / Erasmus - IP
Ref. no.: IP - 01071 - P BRAGANC01


Promoter /Coordinator: Polytechnic Institute of Braganca, Portugal

Duration: 3 years
Actual stage: Finalised

Grant value for the mobilities of the University of Pitesti: 1816 Euro (+travel costs according to EC rates)


The International Business Management Intensive Programme aims to prepare professionals in

international business management. Specifically, aims to offer to students of bachelor (1st cycle) management courses the core technical skills and intellectual competences to operate, with a high degree of autonomy and responsibility, in international organizations or in national organizations which intend to follow an internationalization strategy. Lectures and practical activities concerning the management of cultural diversity, the management and implementation of international projects, especially in the European Union, the elaboration of an international strategy and the applied research in the scientific area of international business management will allow to reach the goals of the programme. With the conclusion of the intensive programme the students should be aware of the business opportunities and cultural differences in a global world. They should be able to use crosscultural communication skills and intercultural competences to compete in a global labour market and to reveal a systemic and integrated view of an international business organization. Finally they should

adopt a permanent knowledge seeking culture in the management study area.



The project intends to implement a joint undergraduate course where scientific competences and needs could met in order to offer international management skills. The present intensive programme will strengthen their scientific relations and promote a sustainable learning community that could fill the gap between the competences offered by national courses and the international competences needed by the market. This intensive programme would enrich the curriculum of the students who want to obtain/improve competences in the international sphere. It represents also a factor that straightens previous partnerships, namely in the area of implementation of a international business undergraduate course involved some of the partner institutions (Portugal, Romania, Lithuania and Poland – European Project Reference: 219410-IC-1-2005-1-LT-ERASMUS-PROGUC-1).

Furthermore, is important to notice that this kind of lifelong formation encloses the teaching

concepts recognized in the Bologna Process, allowing the competences accreditation in any

European country (trough ECTS system).



Theoretical classes - Daily sessions of 3 hours adopting an expositive methodology supported by audiovisual resources.

Practical classes – Daily sessions of 3 hours adopting interactive discussion and case-studies presentation, supported by audiovisual and computer resources, and/or adopting computer software to solve problems and present data reports.

Short conferences may be organized for students and national teachers that do not have the opportunity to attend the course and the information provided in these conferences may be available for all the institutions community.

The participant professors will certainly have the opportunity to share knowledge, experiences and ideas in the area of International Business Management in order to develop and strengthen future international partnerships for scientific research and professional activities and projects.




1.    Polytechnic Institute of Braganca – PT (Coordinator)

2.    PI College of Social Sciences, Klaipeda - LT

3.    University of Pitesti – RO

4.    The College of Computer Science, Lodz – PL

5.    Universidad de Leon, Leon - ES



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