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Jean Monnet 2 PDF Imprimare Email

Title: History of the European idea, civilization and construction 

Project type: Jean Monnet – Teaching Module
Ref. no.: 07/0120, Agreement n.2007-1400/001-001 JEA –JECHA


Coordinator: University of Pitesti 

Duration: 3 years

Actual stage: Finalised

Total value of the contract: 15,000 Euros

Total value for the UP: 15,000 Euros



From the experience accumulated while carrying on the previous module Jean Monnet (ref. no.C03/0010, period 2003-2006), we have got to the conclusion that there is a special interest for the participation in the courses (over 1000 participants in the three years) and that this interest is still going on. We are still organizing courses this year, because of the fact that we have demands. So, there is a continuous real need of information.


Since we have identified the need of information of the students, of the participants in a master degree, of the civil society (the local and regional public administration, teachers from the pre-university education, specialists from other fields), we considered that it is necessary to start elaborating the documentation for this module project Jean Monnet.


In the elaboration of our proposal, we have started from the premises that in order to understand the essence of the European integration process, the participant in the course must be first of all familiarized with the European spirit; for this reason the subject of the courses that we propose within the framework of our project concerns the European history, the European culture and the European citizenship. When we have chosen the subject, we took into account the fact that the proposed issue is less known by our target public, the profile works on this theme being less known and mainly aiming at the experts. So, the organization of some courses of this kind is a good occasion for spreading the information and knowledge which are specific to the chosen field. In this direction, we take into consideration the development of the content for the education and for the promoted discussion, the reflection and the consciousness about the integration process.




If the general aim of the project proposed by us consists in satisfying the need of information of the individual - in particular and of the society – in general –, as far as the integration process is concerned, we considered that this information process should provide the understanding of the real sense of the European construction. For this reason, certain aspect become necessary – firstly – the need for the traditions, for the values and for the actions  which have accompanied the European society, in essence, the information and the knowledge of the main aspects concerning the European history, the European culture, the European citizenship and the  citizen. Knowing and understanding the European specificity, the diversity in unity, the real integration becomes possible as well the adaptation of the national character to the European specificity.


The specific objectives (nucleus objectives) that we aim at through the project of the European module Jean Monnet, which has been proposed by us, come to facilitate the realization of the general purpose. More specifically, we making our target public more aware  of the historical and cultural reality of the European continent, of the different nations and states that made up the European Union, of the understanding of the profoundness  and of the real sense  of the diversity in unity of the European citizens, of the adaptation of our aboriginal specificity to the European behavior and the thought, of the sensitivity of the national conscience about the fact that the Romanian citizen belongs to the European family, being an European citizen and that the behavior rules, the principles and the norms specific to the other nations that made up the European Union, must be known and observed.


The decentralization of the higher education system in Romania had two important consequences, more exactly the development of the university autonomy and the functional repartition of the universities reported to the Ministry of Education and Research. From the perspective of the Bologna process, the university management must assume the use of the autonomy in the sense of an efficient use of its human, material and financial resources in order to assure a more durable institutional development. By our project we aim to realize the increase of the role that the University of Pitesti has in the activity of information and education of the citizen, as well as the increase of the opening level of the University towards the civil society, the local and regional community, the academic national and international community (by the participation into the project of some other universities from the country or from abroad).


Expected outcomes:

Multidisciplinary teaching module (every year)

International seminar “History, Culture, Citizenship in the European Union” (1 per year)

Informative Bulletin of the International Seminar

Book (with the content of the courses), in hard copy and electronic version (CD-ROM)



  • University of Pitesti (coordinator), RO
  • University “Johannes Kepler” - Linz, AT

·         University ”1 Decembrie 1918” Alba-Iulia, RO



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