Oportunitati de finantare

In Constructie


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Title: POOLS- Producing Online Open Learning Systems [POOLS] 

Project type: Leonardo da Vinci
Ref. no.: 2002-UK/05/B/F/LA-162_355 


Coordinator: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, UHI Millennium Institute, UK 

Duration: 01.10.2005 – 30.09.2007

Actual stage: Finalised

Total value of the contract: 539,593 Euros

Total value for the UP: 58,455 Euro



POOLS will provide pedagogical and methodological training and course materials which are communicative in nature, and provide a course in ICT approaches for interactive use with pupils in the classroom and in open learning settings. This shall be achieved through the creation of online, copyleft resources and by developing, testing and disseminating flexible competence based teacher training course modules. The course modules, also copyleft, will deal with ICT approaches and development of ICT based materials for teachers of less taught languages including Basque, Danish, Dutch, Gaelic, Lithuanian and Romanian.

The project aims at making available e-learning source content, i.e. content pools, for six lesser taught languages and three other dissemination languages, in order to facilitate future teacher courses with mixed nationalities. The project will develop flexible, competence based teacher training courses, including in-service, distance learning and blended courses, aiming at training language teachers of the lesser taught languages in the use of e-learning methodologies, suitable for a wide range of target teachers, which will make use of the developed content pools. The project intends to search for and contact relevant language projects to make better use of resources and ensure wider impact.



The project seeks to help establish copyleft pools of learning content for vocational language education as well as providing course content which will empower language teachers in technical colleges in order that they may use the tested and documented elearning methodologies to create and extend the pools of copyleft content to further enrich language teaching in the lesser taught languages. Also, the project will help to promote the project’s objectives via the web, blogs, conferences, etc., across a global community of practitioners which will increase the opportunities for continuous professional development of the targeted professionals. The project results will be integrated into the in-service and online training courses offered at technical and vocational training colleges, but also teachers who cannot participate in such courses can make use of the online guides and modules and exploit the available content for use as is or for further development.


Expected outcomes:

The final products will include:

  • Pools of online copyleft materials to be used during in-service teacher training courses and in teaching;
  • Flexible competence based language teacher course modules on ICT methodologies and development of ICT based teaching resources. The modules will be developed for in-service, distance, and blended courses;
  • A DVD with step by step instructions and examples on how to create multimedia online material;
  • A course book (downloadable PDF file) with description of language teaching eLearning materials and methodologies;
  • A website, which will serve as a portal to clustering projects and other ICT and LA projects. The site will contain all of the project materials, videos, discussion area and e-mail lists.



1.    Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, UK (coordinator)

2.    European Forum of Technical and Vocational Educating and Training (EFVET), BE

3.    Odense Technical College, DK

4.    Berufsbildende Technical College, DE

5.    Kauno College, LT

6.    Horizon College, NL

7.    University of Pitesti, RO

8.    Cebanc-Cdea College, ES

9.    Cece – Confederacion Espanola de Centros de Ensenanza, ES




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