Oportunitati de finantare
In Constructie
Title: Adult Learning and European Idea Project type: Grundtvig Workshop Ref. no.: 2009-1-DK1-GRU13-00824 Promoter/coordinator: Esbjerg Højskole, Esbjerg, Western Denmark Duration: 04.01.2010 – 13.01.2010 Actual stage: Finished Summary: The programme of the Esbjerg Højskole addresses adult Europeans, interested in discussion about the vision of adult learning in Europe. Objectives: The programme has as objectives: - to create a general view about what Europe is with its reality and ideals, pedagogical identity and historical development of the ideas of education. - to emphasize the discrepancies between the ideas and the reality of mobility and the opportunities in adult learning across Europe Target group(s): Adults from 25 to 50 years. The programme addresses to all countries of the EU. Outcomes: - Video-presentations - Seminar presentations by internal teachers - Seminar presentations by eminent external visitors
Partnership: Participant countries were: - Bulgaria - Czech Republic - Denmark - France - Germany - Latvia - Poland - Romania (Ramona MIHAILA – University of Pitesti; Ionut Marius CIUCA – Group for European Integration) - Scotland - Turkey |