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Title and acronym: ThrivingSchools: A Systemic, Whole School Approach to Mental Health and Well-being [ThrivingSchools]

Project type: ERASMUS-EDU-2024-POL-EXP-SCHOOL - Policy Experimentation - School Education

Ref. no.: 101196057


Promoter /Coordinator: Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education Epirus, Greece

Duration: 36 months, 14.02.2025 to 13.01.2028

Total project grant: 998745.70 EUR

Total expenditure (grant) for the National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest (UNSTPB) – Pitești University Center: 151664.37 EUR

Local coordinator for the National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest (UNSTPB) – Pitești University Center: Dr. Georgeta CHIRLEȘAN


Research consistently shows the links between school climate, student and teacher well-being, social and emotional competencies, and academic performance. The "Thriving Schools" proposal draws on principles from Positive Psychology, Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), and Whole School Approaches to create supportive environments that foster the well-being of both teachers and students. Public education authorities, universities, research centers, and NGOs from Greece, Italy, Cyprus, and Romania collaborate to build on past initiatives, directly contributing to the call’s priority of promoting well-being at school for all teachers, staff, and learners.

The objectives are to promote mental health and well-being literacy, develop a positive school climate, and empower educators with innovative practices and resources. These will be achieved through an evidence-based framework, extensive capacity building for teachers, and the implementation of the PERMA model and Positive Psychology interventions. Each school will establish a core team of Well-being Champions who will work with a coach to implement a yearly plan of activities. A randomized controlled trial will assess the impact of the intervention on schoolteachers’ well-being, job satisfaction, self-efficacy, children’s well-being, outcomes, and school climate. A total of 40 schools, 400 teachers, 2000 learners, and 500 parents will engage in this research.

Evidence-based policy and practice recommendations will be disseminated widely. The proposal’s relevance to the program is demonstrated by its focus on improving educational outcomes, equity, and well-being for all learners, and alignment with EU priorities and policies such as the Council Recommendation on Pathways to School Success, “A systemic, whole-school approach to mental health and wellbeing in schools” (Cefai et al., 2021), and the recent EC (2024) report on “Wellbeing and mental health at school: Guidelines for school leaders, teachers and educators”.




General Objectives of Thriving Schools are:

  • Promote Mental Health and well-being Literacy: Educate school staff, teachers, parents and learners about mental health, emphasizing the importance of early identification and the adoption of healthy coping strategies.
  • Cultivate a Positive School Climate: Develop environments that promote psychological wellbeing, social & emotional learning, resilience, and personal growth, aiming to prevent mental health issues before they arise.
  • Empower Educators with innovative practices and resources for mental health and well-being promotion.


Work Packages


Work Package 1: Research Mapping

  • Research tools and guidelines
  • Curricula Review
  • Needs Analysis Implementations

Work Package 2: Framework and Tools Development and Experimental Protocol

  • Thriving Schools Framework
  • Research Protocol

Work Package 3: Training and capacity building

  • Develop Curricula for: (a) Teachers; (b) Wellbeing Champions; (c) Master Trainers (Coaches)
  • Train Coaches (Master Trainers) and Researchers
  • Training School Wellbeing Champions (Experimental Group)
  • Training School Wellbeing Champions (Control Group)
  • Training School teachers

Work Package 4: Research Implementation

  • School selection and Assignment to Groups
  • Distribute measures
  • School Teams and Wellbeing Champions
  • WSA Intervention

Work Package 5: Dissemination and Scale-up

  • Development of Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Plan
  • Scalability toolkit and plan development
  • Promotional material, promotional video, and Campaigns
  • Dissemination Events
  • European Conference in Greece

Work Package 6: Project management and coordination

  • Project Management Guidelines and Project Plan
  • Project Steering Committee and Partner Meetings
  • Financial and Narrative Reporting
  • Inclusion and Diversity Plan
  • Quality Assurance and Evaluation (ongoing)
  • External Evaluation
  • Risk Analysis and Management



 Research report on mental health and well-being education

Thriving Schools Framework

Research Protocol

Coaches and Researchers Course

School Teams Training Curricula

Training Evaluation Report

Research reports

Policy and practice recommendations

Thriving Schools Scalability Plan

Dissemination Report

Promotional Video and Case Studies

Project Management Plan


Project partners:

  1. Regional Directorate of Primary & Secondary Education of Epirus (PDPDEI), Greece (coordinator)
  2. International Hellenic University (IHU), Greece
  3. Institute of Development (IoD), Cyprus
  4. Centre for the Advancement of Research & Development in Educational Technology (CARDET), Cyprus
  5. Universitatea Nationala de Stiinta și Tehnologie POLITEHNICA Bucuresti - Centrul Universitar Pitești (UNSTPB-CUPIT), Romania
  6. Inspectoratul Școlar al Județului Argeș (ISJ), Romania
  7. Universita' Degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca (UNIMIB), Italy
  8. Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Central Macedonia (DPEWE), Greece





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