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Title and acronym: Building Key Competences Through Challenge Based Learning [Neuro-Guide]

Project type: Erasmus+ Project for Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices – Strategic Partnerships for Vocational Education and Training

Ref. no.: 2018-1-PT01-KA202-047266


Promoter /Coordinator: MUNICIPIO DE LOUSADA (Portugal)

Duration: 3.09.2018 to 2.10.2020

Actual stage: In progress

Total project cost: 237 194 Euro

Total expenditure (grant) for the University of Pitesti: 21.441 Euro

Local coordinator for the University of Piteşti: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Dumitru CHIRLEȘAN


While access to technology was one of the first key measurements of digital inclusion in today's digital environment the focus has switched from access to competence; participation in the digital domain depends increasingly more on knowledge, skills and attitudes than it does on access to and use of digital technology. Being digitally competent is nowadays both a requirement and a right (COM/2018/ 22).


Digital technology enriches education and offers new learning opportunities. It facilitates problem-based and interactive learning and enables a personalisation of the learning experience (SWD(2017)264). Digital technology can improve results in education, in particular by enabling access to additional learning resources, and supporting disadvantaged students, such as those from low socioeconomic backgrounds, or with disabilities, or living in remote areas.


Since 2014, there has been a worldwide growth in the use of educational escape rooms in both physical and digital learning environments. They represent an innovative way to bring technology and critical thinking into the learning environment, and the benefits are twofold: games have a history of promoting engagement in a learning environment even among those for whom formal education has failed; the collaborative elements help students develop social and team-working skills.


The European Digital Competence Framework for citizens clusters competences in five areas, namely: (1) Information and data literacy; (2) Communication and collaboration; (3) Digital content creation; (4) Safety; (5) Problem solving. The escape room challenges will be fully online and will be designed to ensure that digital competence, in the broadest sense, is developed.


Youth unemployment is one of the most persistent negative impacts of the financial crisis in Europe. Within the ranks of young people there are a considerable proportion of NEETs for whom future prospects are bleak. NEURO-GUIDE will promote an innovative methodology to re-engage marginalised young people and support them to build high-value transversal skills essential for employment.



The objectives of the project are to:

  • Encourage the development of creative and critical thinking skills through the development of alternative pedagogical resources based on constructivist learning theory;
  • Build the digital competence of young adults through engagement with bespoke learning resources;
  • Foster an entrepreneurial spirit among young Europeans ensuring that they have the necessary skills to research, select, analyse, organise and present information;
  • Promote the rich cultural heritage of Europe by ensuring that all escape room challenges address topics with a cultural heritage focus;
  • Support front-line tutors to harness the potential of mobile learning environments to build high-value skill sets within their marginalised target groups.



  • IO1: Online Escape Room Compendium of Resources – this will comprise the learning content for the proposed online escape room challenges at 4 different levels to foster creative and critical thinking; build digital competence; develop entrepreneurial competence; raise cultural awareness;
  • IO2: In-service Training Programme – this will provide the essential continuous professional development support to VET tutors to enable them harness the full potential of these new dynamic learning resources;
  • IO3: Online Platform – a bespoke, fully mobile, collaborative online learning environment that provides access to all the escape room resources.



1.         MUNICIPIO DE LOUSADA (Portugal) – Project coordinator


3.         Hub Karelia Oy (Finland)


5.         REINTEGRA, z.s. (Czech Republic)


7.         VITA EDUCATION (United Kingdom)





1.         NEURO-GUIDE Newsletter 1_RO - Final

2.         NEURO-GUIDE Newsletter 1_EN

3.         NEURO-GUIDE-Newsletter-2_RO

4.         NEURO-GUIDE-Newsletter-2_ENG

5.         NEURO-GUIDE-Newsletter-3_RO

6.         NEURO-GUIDE-Newsletter-3_ENG

7.         NEURO-GUIDE-Newsletter-4_RO

8.         NEURO-GUIDE-Newsletter-4_ENG

9.         NEURO-GUIDE-Newsletter-5_RO

10.       NEURO-GUIDE-Newsletter-5_ENG



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