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Title and acronym: Using Artistic Disciplines for Educational and Social Inclusion [Art4Inc]

Project type: Erasmus + Project Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices – Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education
Ref. no.: 2017-1-DE02-KA204-004158



Promoter /Coordinator: Jugendforderverein Parchim/ Lubz e.V. Germany  

Duration: 01.11.2017 to 31.10.2019

Total project cost: 261634 Euro

Total expenditure (grant) for the University of Pitesti: 21891 Euro

Local coordinator for the University of Piteşti: Assoc. Professor Dr. Georgeta CHIRLEȘAN


Despite many years of specific programmes addressed to different sub-sets of the low-skilled adult target group there are still almost 70 million adults in Europe with only lower secondary level qualifications, approximately 20 million of whom have not even achieved this grade. This is before one takes into consideration the significant influx of migrants and refugees in the last two years. Without doubt, engaging the most marginalised groups is one of the most difficult educational assignment and yet, if only anecdotally, in adult education settings the most difficult educational assignments are most often left to the tutors with the least qualifications or to put it more forcefully the hardest educational tasks fall to the worst tutors.


At any given time, there are sub-sections of marginalised adult groups who could realistically be regarded as easy targets for successful second-chance educational interventions. These adults can be characterised as the 'want to learn, able to learn sub-set'. The Art4Inc project places its focus at the other end of the marginalised adult scale and will seek to develop in-service training and educational materials and resources to support adult educators to address the needs of the most difficult to access adult groups who might be characterised as the 'don’t want to learn or unable to learn sub-set'. The Art4Inc consortium is committed to addressing disadvantage, combating failure in education and enhancing pedagogic and didactic approaches in adult education to engage the most marginalised adults especially those with a migrant background.


The Art4Inc consortium believe that it is essential to focus on the skills of educators and the resources available to them if any real or significant progress is to be made with the most marginalised adults.


Educators need to look at a wide range of alternative teaching approaches if they are to successfully build the key competence profile of these displaced communities. In a pedagogic context, the centuries old techniques of storytelling, drama and music have faded into the background and are rarely now considered as appropriate techniques for knowledge transfer and key competence building. History tells us of a different era when literacy and language were for the few rather than the mases; when the wisdom of the wise and the rule of the powerful were transmitted by stories, morality plays and in rhyme and song. The art4inc project will endeavour to bring these unique and effective techniques into the modern age to help overcome linguistic, social and cultural barriers and build key competences among our refugee and asylum seeking neighbours.



The Art4Inc consortium believes that the first step in redefining an education service that is capable of engaging those furthest from provision is the design and implementation of bespoke in-service training for an elite team of adult educators and resourcing them with a full complement of bespoke educational materials that can help overcome multi-faceted learning difficulties. Educators are the key enablers to support migrant communities on an educational journey to the highly valued key competences that are essential for social inclusion and personal fulfilment.


The objective of the Art4Inc project is to use a unique blend of different artistic disciplines to develop bespoke training resources that support key competence acquisition among the growing migrant communities in Europe. To achieve this partners will consider the in-service training needs of educators to enable them harness the full potential of these alternative methodological approaches.



Specific steps in the development of the art4inc project will include:

1. A comprehensive in-service training course for adult education staff to support them in the use of artistic disciplines like storytelling, drama and music for training with heterogeneous student groups to build key competences;

2. The adaptation, modification and production of a range of pedagogic resources that use the different artistic disciplines to build key competences for inclusion within the refugee and asylum seeker target group and the presentation of these new resources in media-rich formats in a digital toolbox of alternative basic skills development resources;

3. Providing a bespoke, multi-lingual e-learning platform to support learning in dynamic on-line environments;

4. Draft a Scientific Paper that captures the learning within the framework of the project and make key recommendations for future developments.



  1. Jugendforderverein Parchim/ Lubz e.V. (Germany)
  2. RegioVision GmbH Schwerin (Germany)
  3. The Rural Hub CLG (Ireland)
  4. University of Pitești (Romania)
  5. DECROLY, SL (Spain)
  6. Centrum Inspirace, zu (Czech Republic)
  7. INNOVENTUM OY (Finland)



  1. Art4Inc_1st Newsletter - EN
  2. Art4Inc_1st Newsletter - RO
  3. Art4Inc_2nd Newsletter - EN
  4. Art4Inc_2nd Newsletter - RO
  5. Art4Inc_3rd Newsletter - EN
  6. Art4Inc_3rd Newsletter - RO
  7. Art4Inc_4th Newsletter - EN
  8. Art4Inc_4th Newsletter - RO



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