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ENVIRAE 1 PDF Imprimare Email

Title: “Envirae” – Development of an adult educational structure able to promote the protection of the environment
Project type: SOCRATES / Adult Education - pilot project
Ref. no.: 71169-CP-1-1999-1-RO-ADULT EDUC-ADU
Duration: 1 year
Actual stage: finalised, with the Final Report approved by the European Commission
Total value of the Contract for EU partners: 39710 Euros
Total value for the University of Pitesti: 32638 Euros

The project has been approved by the European Commission (Bruxelles), General Direction XXII, SOCRATES/Adult Education and it benefits of the financial support of the European Commission.
It was launched and it is co-ordinated by the University of Pitesti – Physics Department.
Project’s general coordinator: lect. univ. drd. Dumitru CHIRLESAN.
1. University of Pitesti (RO)
2. Arges County Museum (RO)
3. Non-governmental organization “ECHOS2000” (RO)
4. Local Television “Antena 1”– Pitesti (RO)
5. Institute for the Educational Sciences – Bucuresti (RO)
6. School Inspectorate of the Arges County (RO)
7. Leeds Metropolitan University (UK)
8. University of Bremen – Institute for technology and education (DE)
9. Odense Technical College (DK)
10. Acad??mie de Lille-Greta Cambresis-Formation des adultes (FR)
The proposed project addresses key questions for adult education in Europe, concerning the environmental protection.
The thematic orientation of this project is in the direction of:
• awareness of the adult society regarding the problems of the environmental protection;
• a good knowledge of the legislation for the environment protection;
• realizing the impact of the environmental damages on the social and economic life.
Specific objectives of this project are the following:
• to make the civil society to realise its prevailing role in the knowledge and in the improvement of the environment 's protection system;
• to stimulate the adults through educational activities to efficiently turn to good account the existing material base for the protection of the environment;
• to involve the different organisations in community actions destined to protect the environment;
• to make the people in charge (the authorities) to become conscience on the necessity that the existent legislation has to be applied;
• to increase the adults disposability towards their involvement into the environment’s protection issue and the legislation’s applying in the specific domain (field);
• to carry out some materials for information and training destined to the adults, regarding the protection of the environment;
• to design a continuously dissemination system for the educational products of the project.
These objectives are focalised on the key questions for adult education in Europe.
The carrying out of these objectives will lead to:
• supplying education activities;
• developing support services.
These objectives are also partially targeting to the promotion of knowledge and awareness of Europe and European countries among adult education. So, carrying out of this project will be enhanced the adult learners’ understanding of political, economic and administrative aspects of the European Union in the field of the environmental protection.
Anticipated results:
• a text-book;
• a web page;
• a TV series;
• a succession of advertising clips;
• feature reports type “hidden (candid) camera”;
• booklets, folders (leaflets), posters;
• VIP’s seminaries destined to involve them into real actions on environment protection.
• series of short courses.
Target-group: the adult population from those regions in which is functioning the partner organisations of the project. Approximate size of the target group is around 500000 peoples. On focalised on that groups which are disadvantaged by the formal educational system or by the social system.
Additional benefits and spin-offs:
The final products of this project will be benefice not only for the target group. We expect also a backwash effect in all social categories. For example, we believe that the adults who will be the beneficiary of the activities and the products of the project will disseminate non-formal and informal all the knowledge achieved. Like in the chain reactions, we hope that finally, the way to a clean and healthy Europe will be the main objective for everybody who live in Europe.



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