Title: “New Advanced Study Program in Adult Pedagogy” Project type: SOCRATES / ERASMUS PROG - pilot project Ref. no.: 50387-IC-4-2000-RO-ERASMUS-EPS-1 Duration: 1 year Actual stage: finalised, with the Final Report approved by the European Commission Total value of the Contract: 33671 Euros Total value for the University of Pitesti: 23671 Euros Objectives: • Evaluating the actual provision of the pedagogical tools in the field of Adults’ Pedagogy. • Improving the supply and availability ('offer') of learning opportunities in Adults’ Pedagogy for formal students, through the development, exchange and dissemination of innovative education approaches or good practices. • Institutionalizing the “European Pedagogical College in Adult and Vocational Education and Training”. • Developing flexible accreditation and certification systems to facilitate mobility between the formal and non-formal educational sectors or between education and work. Outcomes: • Curriculum in the field of the Adult Pedagogy. • Educational Plan (ECTS based) which to equate three years of regular courses in a formal college. • Alternative modular study structures which to use ODL methods or intensive study programs. • Evaluation and assessment system adapted to the Life Long Learning pedagogical requirements. • Official recognition at national level in each participating country. • Official recognition at European level. • Reference materials for this new qualification (textbooks, evaluation portfolios, virtual learning tools, etc.). • Pilot modules for training (one in each participating country). • Reports referring to the observable data occurred during the lifetime of the project. Partners: • UNIVERSITATEA DIN PITESTI • LEEDS METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY • ODENSE TECHNIKE SCHOOLE • UNIVERSITE DE PICARDIE JULES VERNE • ST. KIRIL AND METODII UNIVERSITY OF VELIKO TURNOVO • VYTAUTAS MAGNUS UNIVERSITY