Title: “EUPECO - European Pedagogical College in Adult Education and Training” Project type: SOCRATES / GRUNDTVIG 1 - pilot project Ref. no.: 90403-CP-1-2001-1-RO-GRUNDTVIG-G1 Duration: 2 years Actual stage: finalised, with the Final Report under the evaluation of the European Commission Total value of the Contract: 373227 Euros Total value for the University of Pitesti: 159033 Euro
Summary: Due to our former experience in developing adult education structures and because we are conscious about the necessity of offering solid alternatives for Life Long Learning to the formal education system, we intent to develop an adult education structure which to be able to provide a Diploma with European Recognition in ADULT Pedagogy. We want to do that because: • There are a lot of Adult Education, LLL & VET providers that work with trainers who don’t have a solid qualification in ADULT pedagogy. • In each EU or accession country the general & legal regulations concerning LLL & VET, oblige to a high quality level of the training process that implies an accreditation process. This leads to the necessity of offering a new authorized qualification, meaning the “Adult Pedagogy of the Vocational Education and Training”. • We want to eliminate the discrimination between the young population, which will have the access to this qualification in the formal educational system and the adult population that formally have no such access. Thus, we intent to develop a new study program which to have three general components like in the following figure, one of them destined to the education of adults.
Partnership: P.1.: UNIVERSITATEA DIN PITESTI - UP-RO P.2.: PASSEPORT EUROPE - PE-FR P.3.: LEEDS METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY - LMU-UK P.4.: ODENSE TECHNIKE SCHOOLE - OTS-DK P.5.: LOOM - Consultaria e Servicos de Informatica, Lda. - LOOM-PT P.6.: Center for Vocational Education and Research- VYTAUTAS MAGNUS UNIVERSITY - CVER-LT P.7.: Veliko Tarnovo Higher Educational Centre for Science and Production at the Technical University of Varna - VTHEC-BG P.8.: Vocational Training Center INTERSYN - VTCI-GR P.9.: National Institute of Vocational Education - NIVE-HU P.10.: Unitat de Formaci?? de Formadors - UNIFF-UPC-ES - UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA P.11.: Wyzsza Szkola im. Pawla Wlodkowica - WSPW-PL