Oportunitati de finantare

In Constructie


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Project type: SOCRATES / COMENIUS 2.1 - pilot project
Ref. no.: 118603-CP-1-2004-1-ES-COMENIUS-C21

Promoter/coordinator: Universidad Complutense de Madrid , SPAIN
Duration: 3 years
Actual stage: finalised, with the Final Report approved by the European CommissionTotal value of the Contract: 215.537 EURO
Total value for the University of Pitesti : 29.128,21 Euro

The overall aims of the projects are:

•  To promote quality and innovation in teaching Science (Physics and Chemistry) by:

•  designing significant learning contexts,
•  using inexpensive creative materials,
•  using specific scientific language
•  promoting mobility of student teachers

•  To detect misconceptions in teaching Science and introduce didactic interventions for the evolution of such misconceptions.

The Specific Objectives are:
•  To select essential common topics in Science that will serve as the basis for the educational intervention in the project
•  To improve the use of skills in order that teachers can detect the mental models of their pupils concerning the real world where they live.
•  To design experiments with inexpensive materials that will facilitate the detection of misconceptions in Science and the reflection of the student for the evolution of these misconceptions
•  To improve comprehension of Science through the use of specific scientific language
•  To provide a framework for mobility of student teachers by implementing mobility actions with official recognition by the sending institutions
•  To contribute in the removal of obstacles for mobility of student teachers
•  To familiarize Science student teachers with the idea of team working in a European context
•  To develop the exchange of information and good practice concerning Science among European student teachers.

1. Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain) - Promoter
2. Staatliches Seminar f??r Didaktik und Lehrerbildung (Gymnasien) Rottweil (Germany)
3. Universidad de Alcal?? (Spain)
4. Universidad SEK ( Spain )
5. The Education Centre, Tralee ( Ireland )
6. Università di Sassari (Italy)
7. Universita' Degli Studi di Pavia (Italy)
8. Universitatea din Pitesti (Romania)



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