Oportunitati de finantare
In Constructie
Promoter/coordinator: EUROPEAN CENTRE FOR EDUCATION AND TRAINING - BG Duration: 3 years
Summary: Linguapeace Europe helps meet the objectives of European Security and Defence Policy regarding conflict prevention, which require higher language proficiency for European peacekeepers. This requirement has been confirmed by the latest missions to places such as Bosnia, Kosovo, and Afghanistan, and the fight against terrorism underlines the necessity for further developing Europe’s capabilities for joint peacemaking and peacekeeping. International communication in missions such as KFOR and SFOR is in English and there is a manifest need for new transnational training programmes, materials and tools for English for Peacekeeping Purpose which provide both linguistic and intercultural competence to further both communication and understanding. English language materials in this specialist area are generally irrelevant, poor in quality, or outmoded. The distinguishing features of Linguapeace Europe are that it will provide sets of graded materials from European levels B1 – C1 containing English used in realistic scenarios, experienced by military and police personnel in peacekeeping operations worldwide. These training materials reflect communication and task-oriented performance and will include: - self-study, semi-autonomous and tutor-supported learning materials for informal settings; - students’ book, teachers’ book, and digital audio materials for formal classes in institutions; - interactive multilingual glossary on CD of military and police terminology in 13 European languages; - cultural awareness materials to develop intercultural competence in this specific vocational context; - EU-wide Certification matching the NATO STANAG 6001 exams with the Common European Framework; - academic validation by University of Westminster who accredit the languages examinations of the UK Ministry of Defence; - European Language Portfolio for Peacekeepers based on the Common European Framework; - public website with exemplary materials for downloading and self-access study options; - dissemination activities through print, websites, Network Groups, and conference presentations. Linguapeace Europe has a wide partnership of 13 organizations from 11 countries, and is a follow up to the successful pilot project Linguapeace, which involved four countries (UK, NL, SK and BG). The feedback and evaluation from this pilot project reinforced the need to broaden the field of application of the project results to other regions and languages through the materials development above in order to foster skills and competences in transnational joint operations and thus ensure effective communication and interoperability. It also confirmed the benefits to the participants, which include: - encouraging equal access to continuing vocational training and lifelong acquisition of skills and competences; - improving their competitiveness and new career opportunities in the international market; - enhancing employability for women as interpreters or communication and liaison officers.
Partnership: 1. UNIVERSITY OF PITESTI – RO 2. Universe Press – Europe – BG 3. ICC International Certificate Conference – DE 4. Centre De Recursos De Llengues Estrangeres, Generalitat De Catalunya – ES 5. Baltic Defence College – EE 6. Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Lyon, International Department Language Centre – FR 7. H-Net Professional Language Studio – HU 8. Public Service Language Centre – LV 9. Public Service Language Centre - LT 10. Centre for Modern Languages University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow – PL 11. Bournemouth Business School International – UK 12. University of Westminster, Department of Diplomacy and Applied Languages - UK |