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Title: The Use of Heritage Sites in Europe as an “Outdoor Laboratory” for innovative Science Teacher Education [OUTLAB Europe]

Project type: SOCRATES/ COMENIUS 2.1 – pilot project
Ref. no.: 226646-CP-1-2005-1-IE-COMENIUS-C21

Promoter/coordinator: Education Centre Tralee, IE 

Duration: 3 years
Actual stage: finalised, with the Final Report under the evaluation of the European Commission

Total value of the Contract: 228876 Euros

Total value for the University of Pitesti: 34633 Euro



The overall aim is the development of innovative teaching methods and tools which demonstrate best practise models for the use of heritage sites in Europe as an “Outdoor laboratory” for Science Teacher Education.


The project has as specific aims the following:

  • To Explore the Premise that the decreasing interest in Science is due partly to existing Teaching Methods.
  • To Compare and Contrast Existing Science Teaching Curricula and Pedagogy in each country
  • Provide exemplar methods for the use of handheld technologies in Heritage Sites as innovative tools in Science Teacher Education
  • To create new teaching Modules which utilise these methods in Science Teacher Education
  • To promote mobility initiatives between Science Teachers and Student Teachers in Partners countries
  • To provide in-service Training for Teachers using the new Modules

The expected outputs of the project are:

  • Create the Science Teaching Kit including the Teacher’s Handbook and exemplar files
  • Publish a Project Web Site, which would also allow teachers to upload their own exemplars and act as a forum for Teachers using the methods of the Project
  • Create original Software Programs suited to the pedagogical and didactical use of handheld technology in heritage sites
  • Student Teacher Mobility
  • Comenius 2.2 In-Service Training Course



1. University of Pitesti – RO

2. N. Zahles College of Education, DK

3. Institute of Technology Tralee, IE

4. University of Ferrara, IT

5. University of Pavia, IT


7. Umea University, SE


Project's website at: www.outlab.ie


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