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Title: European Language Teachers Assessment and Certification Scheme [ELTACS] 

Project type: LLP / KA4 Dissemination and exploitation of results
Ref. no.: 505710-LLP-CZ-2009-KA4-KA4MP


Coordinator: University of West Bohemia, Plze?, CZ

Duration: 2 years and half (30 months)
Actual stage: Finalised

Total value of the contract: to be announced after signing the contract

Total value for the UP: to be announced after signing the contract



Collected evidence from a needs analysis, surveys of schemes of certification, and the local knowledge of the partners demonstrate that there is no available European-wide certificate in teaching languages to adults with applicability to any language, to teachers without formal qualifications, or to those working in informal structures. A proven successful existing model is available for wider dissemination, and the proposed ELTACS outcomes will put in place an innovative teacher training scheme with complementary certification for teacher trainers. ELTACS products will use three complementary media: print, web and software, each with stand-alone viability, all available in eight languages, serving as exemplars for users in other languages. Dissemination will be by the wide range of participating partners and associates from the state and private sectors.

The results will effect a change in the professionalism and status of the teachers of languages in LLL. The positive impact of the ELTACS project includes enhanced employability, facilitation of mobility, and opportunities to gain a recognised qualification. Educators and policy and decision makers will be aware of a scheme which contributes to the LLL programme by combating racism, prejudice and xenophobia.

ELTACS will effect this through products including a training manual, materials for learners, a website, and exemplary testing materials, all with a recognised certification system for teachers and trainers.

The methodology suits the objectives of the project, focusing on the involvement of the end users at all stages of the project with equal chances of participation to all partners.

The scheduling is realistic. Milestones in project progress are clearly specified, and the different work packages succeed each other naturally. The quality assurance plan and the strategy for its implementation are designed to ensure the achievement of project objectives on time, to budget, and to a high standard of quality.



- To contribute to the development of quality lifelong learning and to promote high performance, innovation and a European dimension in systems and practices in the field;

- To contribute to increased participation in lifelong learning by people of all ages, including those with special needs and disadvantaged groups, regardless of their socio-economic background;

- To promote language learning and linguistic diversity;

- To encourage the best use of results, innovative products and processes and to exchange good practice in the fields covered by the Lifelong Learning Programme, in order to improve the quality of education and training;

- To promote the quality and transparency of Member States' education and training systems;

- To ensure that the results of the Lifelong Learning Programme are appropriately recognised, demonstrated and implemented on a wide scale.


Expected outcomes:

ELTACS project website

ELATCS project web-based workspace

Training manual

Materials for learners

Exemplary testing materials

Recognised certification system for teachers and trainers



1. University of West Bohemia, Plze?, CZ (coordinator)

2. ECET - European Centre for Education and Training, Sofia, BG

3. ICC - International Certificate Conference e. V., Hamburg, DE

4. YPEPTH - Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs, Marousi, Athens, GR

5. VNF - The Adult Education College of Västra Nyland, Karjaa, FI

6. PSLC - Public Service Language Centre, Vilnius, LT

7. UPIT - University of Pite?ti, Pite?ti, RO

8. Lancashire College, Chorley, UK

9. Assist Net Eood, Sofia, BG

10. LKPA - Lietuvos Kalbu pedagogu asociacija, Vilnius, LT



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