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Title and acronym: Enhancing the Capacities of Educational Institutions for the Sustainable Use of Nuclear Technologies [RER 90049]

Project type: IAEA - Technical Cooperation Programme

Ref. no.: RER 90049 EVT 2201689


Promoter /Coordinator: International Atomic Energy Agency

Duration: 01/01/2022 to 31/12/2025

Local coordinator for the University of Piteşti: Assoc. Professor Dr. Eng. Dumitru CHIRLEȘAN



Education and training are key factors to the sustainability of the nuclear infrastructure at the national and regional levels. The problems of some developing and industrialized countries regarding education and training requirements are primarily associated with limitations on the resources and capabilities of universities in providing the required scope and quality of education and training. At the same time the levels of nuclear education in the region differ and this create challenges for expanding and sustaining nuclear knowledge. Adequate attention and resources must be devoted, from the outset, to the education and qualification of teachers, and to the cooperation between universities and industry to ensure the provision of hands-on experience and on the job training in the nuclear field. Thus, the project aims to enhance capacity and quality of educational institutions for the sustainable, safe, and secure use of nuclear technologies. ​​​​​


The regional approach will allow the sharing of information and exchange of knowledge and expertise between countries with well advanced educational programmes and ones which need further assistance to optimize and enhance education programmes through existing networks. The project offers high impact opportunities such as the establishment and strengthening of nuclear education programmes, resource optimization and development of partnerships. It will also enhance cooperation and exchange of experience among the Members States (MSs) in Europe and Central Asia. The harmonization of Member States' priorities, needs and gaps with IAEA recommendations and standards will ensure the consistency and effectiveness of national, regional, European, and international policies in nuclear safety.




The project will follow a step-by-step sequence of activities approach. A project team will be established for efficient management and implementation. The main project team consists of the DTM and the IAEA (PMO and TOs). Before commencing the project, all participating countries will be requested to designate a counterpart (CP) based on the defined participation criteria. Project implementation team will prepare the action plan considering the country's status, needs and preferences and will schedule steps of its implementation. Based on these preferences, realistic implementation steps have to be planned by each counterpart individually. An approach based on interlinked phases will be adopted. These include:


  1. Identification of gaps and training needs and the preparation of an action plan
  2. Identification and assessment of available training materials and development of harmonized training materials​
  3. Development of the Train-the-Trainers (TTT) materials and implementation​
  4. Evaluation of the training material, feedback and finalization. 


Based on experience gained from past TC project and initiatives the following activities will be promoted: provision of TTT events for lecturers, the finalisation of training materials, expert missions and workshops to share experience and Scientific Visits (SVs).​  


The IAEA will assist and coordinate the implementation of tasks by providing expert advice, guidelines and training. Efficient networking tools will be implemented to facilitate knowledge exchange.



  1. Faculty of Natural Sciences, Tirana University, Albania
  2. National Polytechnic University of Armenia
  3. National Nuclear Research Center CJSC, Azerbaijan
  4. State Regulatory Agency for Radiation and Nuclear Safety, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  5. Technical University Sofia, Bulgaria
  6. Belarusian State University, Belarus
  7. Civil Protection Directorate, Radiological and nuclear safety sector, Croatia
  8. Frederick University, Nicosia, Cyprus
  9. Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
  10. Climate and Radiation Division, Environmental Board, Estonia
  11. Agency of Nuclear and Radiation Safety, Georgia
  12. National Technical University of Athens, Greece
  13. Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) Institute of Nuclear Techniques (NTI), Hungary
  14. To be nominated by Gouvernment, Kazakhstan
  15. State Committee of Ecology and Climate of Kyrgyz Republic
  16. University of Latvia
  17. Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania
  18. University ”Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje, North Macedonia
  19. MAT
  20. University of Montenegro
  21. Republic of Moldavia
  22. AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland
  23. Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
  24. National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control CNCAN, Romania
  25. Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the International Organizations in Vienna
  26. Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  27. Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia
  28. Institute of General and Physical Chemistry, Belgrade, Serbia
  29. Department of Education and Training TSO to the Regulatory Authority, Tajikistan
  30. Turkmenistan
  31. University of Ankara, Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Turkey
  32. Ministry of Energy of Ukraine
  33. National university of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Uzbekistan






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