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Title and acronym: Building Skills and Attributes for Remote Working [REMOTE CTRL]

Project type: Erasmus+ KA2 Project, Strategic Partnership for Vocational Education and Training

Ref. no.: 2020-01-UK01-KA202-079004


Promoter /Coordinator: Small Firms Enterprise Development Initiative Limited, UK

Duration: 01/11/2020  to  31/10/2022

Total project grant: 214,314.00 Euro

Total expenditure (grant) for the University of Pitești: 18,220 Euro

Local coordinator for the University of Piteşti: Assoc. Professor Dr. Eng. Dumitru CHIRLEȘAN


Remote working is not just a topic that has emerged because of COVID-19; but the pandemic has brought into focus the potential for more employees to work remotely; and has also given insight into the personal, economic and environmental benefits work pursuing remote working policies.

Studies have also shown that employee productivity increases with remote working, on average by working 1.4 more days every month, resulting in more than 3 additional weeks of work per year, per employee. In a survey of 7,000 workers, 65% felt they were more productive in remote working environments due to reduction in stress from commuting, fewer interruptions from fellow employees and even a break from "office drama" (Owl Labs, 2019).

Remote working is the labour market model of the future.

By 2025, 75% of the workforce will be made up of Millennials and Generation Z employees; both of which are more environmentally aware and are committed to saving the planet and both of which also prefer flexible working patterns.

In order to attract the top talent from this next generation of employees, employers will have to be willing to accommodate remote working or flexible working patterns.

Remote working provides many benefits to employers, employees, governments and society in general. However, in order to be adopted en-masse so that it can support our economic and environmental recovery, it needs to be supported by tailored education and training materials that will build key skills and competences in employers and employees so that they can adapt to remote working.



  • To develop bespoke training resources that will address the needs of employers, employees and VET tutors in a remote working environment.
  • To support the uptake of innovative approaches and digital technologies for teaching and learning.




1. REMOTE CTRL Masterclasses and Manual for Employers

2. REMOTE CONTROL Toolkit for Employees

3. In Service Training Programme for VET Tutors


5. Policy Recommendations Report




  1. Small Firms Enterprise Development Initiative Limited, UK (coordinator)
  2. University of Peloponnese, Greece
  3. Wyzsza Szkola Biznesu I Nauk O Zdrowiu, Poland
  4. Future in Perspective Limited, Ireland
  5. Universitatea din Pitesti, Romania
  6. Innoventum Oy, Finland
  7. Rightchallenge – Associação, Portugal
  8. Ihk- Projektgesellschaft Mbh, Germany


Project website : https://remotectrl.eu/

REMOTE CTRL_newsletter no 1_EN

REMOTE CTRL_newsletter no 1_RO











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