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Title and acronym: Using Mobile Augmented Reality Games to develop key competences through learning about sustainable development [UMARG]

Project type: Erasmus+ KA2 Project, Strategic Partnership for School Education

Ref. no.: 2019-1-RO01-KA201-063778


Promoter /Coordinator: University of Pitești, Romania

Duration: 01/12/2019 to 30/11/2021

Total project grant: 247.844 Euro

Total expenditure (grant) for the University of Pitești: 38.321 Euro

Local coordinator for the University of Piteşti: Assoc. Professor Dr. Georgeta CHIRLEȘAN


            As globalization continues to confront the European Union with new challenges, each citizen will need a wide range of skills to adapt flexibly to a rapidly changing and highly interconnected world.

            These skills emerge today as key to allow people develop good-quality jobs and fulfil their potential as confident, active citizens. Based on the European Commission’s reports, early acquisition of these skills is the foundation for the development of higher, more complex skills which are needed to drive creativity and innovation. Education in its dual role, both social and economic, has a key role to play in ensuring that Europe’s citizens acquire the skills needed to enable them to adapt. Implementing key competences in schools involves not only specifying them in curricula, but also developing structures, innovative teaching methods as well as proper ICT tools that are open to teachers and students. Given their cross-curricular nature, this involves a whole-school planning. According to the European association KeyConet (Key competence Network in School Education), the key themes in teaching Key Competences for the 21st century relate to creating meaningful education based on real problems and engagement, interdisciplinary environments that enhance learners' experiences

through goal-directed, active, authentic and collaborative tasks.

            Mobile Augmented Reality Games (MARG) are gaming environments that embed virtual, location specific and contextual information into a physical site. These games require mobile or ubiquitous computing devices, such as hand-held computers or cellular phones, to enable game participants to access this virtual information. Instead of putting people in an artificial world, these games augment the physical world by embedding them with digital data, networking and communication abilities, and enhanced properties providing at the same time in-situ or inquiry-based learning experiences.

            Research on the use of MARG has shown potential benefits in fostering key competences such as collaboration, critical thinking, problem solving, social and civic competences as well as cultural awareness. However, there is a lack of an organized effort to sum up the potential benefits of these games and more importantly to incorporate them in the teaching practice as teachers’ toolkit to foster students' key competences.

            The UMARG is a KA2 Erasmus+ project in the field of Strategic Partnerships for School Education promoting innovation. It will involve the cooperation of 8 partners (4 Higher Education/Researcher Institutes and 4 schools) from four different European countries (Romania, Greece, Cyprus, Netherlands).



The UMARG project objectives are to:

• Explore examples of MARG for learning in the aspects of developing students’ key competences;

• Contribute to developing and implementing innovative technologies in formal or informal settings by developing user guidelines of MARG tools;

• Develop a learning design framework for teaching the following key competences through MARG:

a) civic competences such as critical thinking, active citizenship, respect for differences;

b) digital competences such as information and data literacy, communication and collaboration and problem solving.

• Make use of the existing AR games platforms and provide educators with the necessary technical knowledge to create their own content for fostering students’ key competences through learning about sustainable development;

• Provide educators with the tools and methodology to implement, evaluate and assess key competences of their students as well as act as educators-researchers through action research

based education.



UMARG project is methodologically structured to fully support the production of the following 5 intellectual outputs:

IO1: An Augmented reality Teaching Toolkit including research on the available technologies and digital tools, users’ instructions, comparison of the available digital tools for the creation of Mobile Augmented Reality Games.

IO2: A learning design framework for MARG and educational scenarios: including research on the available instructional designs, delimitation of design guidelines, transformation of the design criteria towards the target competences and skills; 20 MARG designed by the participating teachers towards the development of digital and civic competences of students in the context of sustainable development. These scenarios will be available in an open-access repository for use by other educators across Europe.

IO3: 20 Mobile Augmented Reality Games, developed by the participating teachers, available in free-to-use AR platforms, that can be played by students and help them develop their digital and civic competences as well their transversal skills.

IO4: Implementation and a research report on the MARG intervention in the teaching practice that will evaluate the added value of these games in teaching key competencies.

IO5: A MARG21 MOOC which will provide European educators with training and online learning experience.



  1. Universitatea din Pitești, Romania (coordinator)
  2. Școala Gimnazială "Mircea cel Bătrân" Pitești, Romania
  3. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Netherlands
  4. Stichting voor openbaar voortgezet onderwijs Noorden Midden-Drenthe, Netherlands
  5. Panepistimio Aigaiou, Greece
  6. Ekpaideftiki Etairia Rodou, Greece
  7. Centre for Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology, Cyprus
  8. Dimotiko Scholeio Apostolou Louka, Cyprus

Website : www.umarg.eu





Newsletter 1 in EN

Newsletter 1 in RO

Poster in EN

Poster in RO

Newsletter 2 in EN

Newsletter 2 in RO

Press Release in EN

Press Release in RO

Newsletter 3 in EN

Newsletter 3 in RO

Newsletter 4 in EN

Newsletter 4 in RO

Flyer in EN

Flyer in RO

  • Title and acronym: Using Mobile Augmented Reality Games to develop key competences
    through learning about sustainable development [UMARG]
    Project type: Erasmus+ KA2 Project, Strategic Partnership for School Education
    Ref. no.: 2019-1-RO01-KA201-063778
    Promoter /Coordinator: University of Pitești, Romania
    Duration: 01/12/2019 to 30/11/2021
    Total project grant: 247.844 Euro
    Total expenditure (grant) for the University of Pitești: 38.321 Euro
    Local coordinator for the University of Piteşti: Assoc. Professor Dr. Georgeta CHIRLEȘAN
    As globalization continues to confront the European Union with new challenges, each
    citizen will need a wide range of skills to adapt flexibly to a rapidly changing and highly
    interconnected world.
    These skills emerge today as key to allow people develop good-quality jobs and fulfil
    their potential as confident, active citizens. Based on the European Commission’s reports,
    early acquisition of these skills is the foundation for the development of higher, more
    complex skills which are needed to drive creativity and innovation. Education in its dual role,
    both social and economic, has a key role to play in ensuring that Europe’s citizens acquire the
    skills needed to enable them to adapt. Implementing key competences in schools involves not
    only specifying them in curricula, but also developing structures, innovative teaching methods
    as well as proper ICT tools that are open to teachers and students. Given their cross-curricular
    nature, this involves a whole-school planning. According to the European association
    KeyConet (Key competence Network in School Education), the key themes in teaching Key
    Competences for the 21st century relate to creating meaningful education based on real
    problems and engagement, interdisciplinary environments that enhance learners' experiences
    through goal-directed, active, authentic and collaborative tasks.
    Mobile Augmented Reality Games (MARG) are gaming environments that embed
    virtual, location specific and contextual information into a physical site. These games require
    mobile or ubiquitous computing devices, such as hand-held computers or cellular phones, to
    enable game participants to access this virtual information. Instead of putting people in an
    artificial world, these games augment the physical world by embedding them with digital
    data, networking and communication abilities, and enhanced properties providing at the same
    time in-situ or inquiry-based learning experiences.
    Research on the use of MARG has shown potential benefits in fostering key
    competences such as collaboration, critical thinking, problem solving, social and civic
    competences as well as cultural awareness. However, there is a lack of an organized effort to
    sum up the potential benefits of these games and more importantly to incorporate them in the
    teaching practice as teachers’ toolkit to foster students' key competences.
    The UMARG is a KA2 Erasmus+ project in the field of Strategic Partnerships for
    School Education promoting innovation. It will involve the cooperation of 8 partners (4
    Higher Education/Researcher Institutes and 4 schools) from four different European countries
    (Romania, Greece, Cyprus, Netherlands).
    The UMARG project objectives are to:
    Explore examples of MARG for learning in the aspects of developing students’ key
  • Contribute to developing and implementing innovative technologies in formal or informal
    settings by developing user guidelines of MARG tools;
    Develop a learning design framework for teaching the following key competences through
    a) civic competences such as critical thinking, active citizenship, respect for differences;
    b) digital competences such as information and data literacy, communication and
    collaboration and problem solving.
    Make use of the existing AR games platforms and provide educators with the necessary
    technical knowledge to create their own content for fostering students’ key competences
    through learning about sustainable development;
    Provide educators with the tools and methodology to implement, evaluate and assess key
    competences of their students as well as act as educators-researchers through action research
    based education.
    UMARG project is methodologically structured to fully support the production of the
    following 5 intellectual outputs:
    IO1: An Augmented reality Teaching Toolkit including research on the available
    technologies and digital tools, users’ instructions, comparison of the available digital tools for
    the creation of Mobile Augmented Reality Games.
    IO2: A learning design framework for MARG and educational scenarios: including research
    on the available instructional designs, delimitation of design guidelines, transformation of the
    design criteria towards the target competences and skills; 20 MARG designed by the
    participating teachers towards the development of digital and civic competences of students in
    the context of sustainable development. These scenarios will be available in an open-access
    repository for use by other educators across Europe.
    IO3: 20 Mobile Augmented Reality Games, developed by the participating teachers, available
    in free-to-use AR platforms, that can be played by students and help them develop their
    digital and civic competences as well their transversal skills.
    IO4: Implementation and a research report on the MARG intervention in the teaching practice
    that will evaluate the added value of these games in teaching key competencies.
    IO5: A MARG21 MOOC which will provide European educators with training and online
    learning experience.
    1. Universitatea din Pitești, Romania (coordinator)
    2. Școala Gimnazială "Mircea cel Bătrân" Pitești, Romania
    3. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Netherlands
    4. Stichting voor openbaar voortgezet onderwijs Noorden Midden-Drenthe, Netherlands
    5. Panepistimio Aigaiou, Greece
    6. Ekpaideftiki Etairia Rodou, Greece
    7. Centre for Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology,
    8. Dimotiko Scholeio Apostolou Louka, Cyprus


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