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Title and acronym: Web-based Laser Safety Modules for Vocational Education/Training [LASER]

Project type: Erasmus+ Project for Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices – Strategic Partnerships for Vocational Education and Training

Ref. no.: 2018-1-LV01-KA202-056957


Promoter /Coordinator: Rezeknes Tehnologiju akademija, Latvia

Duration: 01/09/2018 to 31/08/2020

Total project grant: 169.321 Euro

Total expenditure (grant) for the University of Pitești: 25.803 Euro

Local coordinator for the University of Piteşti: Assoc. Professor Dr. Georgeta CHIRLEȘAN


Photonics and laser technology are now a priority of the European economy and a prerequisite for increasing its competitiveness as stated in European Commission Industrial policy (Skills for industry and Key Enabling Technologies: micro and nanoelectronics, nanotechnology, industrial biotechnology, advanced materials, photonics - including laser technology, and advanced manufacturing technologies). The introduction of many new and different laser sources in these sectors of the economy requires the development of new skills and competencies of the employees in the field of laser safety. European norms and standards in this area have become obligatory for all European countries. The dangers of laser radiation can be diverse and at the same time devastating for the health.

The objectives of the project are in line with the new EU Skills Program 10.06.2016 (NEW WORKING ASSEMBLY FOR EUROPE, 10.06.2016), and in particular with the Europe's Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) of the 21st Century. Project has gathered partners from five European Union countries: Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Romania. Profile of participants includes three universities with their own research institutes (including photonics and laser technology), one NGO, two VET centers and an ICT company.


Aim and Objective:

The project aims to improve the professional skills for laser safety through online training.

The project team aims to develop, test and validate three innovative training modules in line with the needs of the European photonics and laser technology field.

Using the right environment, learning modules will be web-based and accessible to students, laser workers / operators and all other players related to the fields of photonics and laser technology.

Given the European scope of the project activities, the project team is transnational and includes partners from five EU countries, which will develop, test and certify training modules at national and European level.

Successful completion of the modules will be certified by a certificate.

The fulfilment of objective will be based on the following methodology: analysis of requirements in the field of laser safety, data collection and their systematization and analysis, creation of new innovative knowledge in the form of interactive training modules and their dissemination through e-learning systems and internet technologies.



1. Creating three web-based multilingual modules for enhancing professional training in the field of laser safety.

2. Improvement of vocational education and training in the field of photonics and laser technology.

3. Increasing professional skills of those working in the field of photonics and laser technology.

4. Creating specialists (laser technology systems operators) with skills in the field of laser safety.

5. Support for the development of photonics and laser technology by creating specialists with the necessary skills for safe work with laser technology complexes.

6. Improving the employability of specialists in photonics and laser technology on the European labor market.

7. Increasing the motivation of young people for vocational training in the field of laser safety and occupational health at work.

8. Providing free access to the principles and technologies for laser safety.

9. Creating a sense of responsibility - a prerequisite for ensuring healthy working conditions at the workplace.



  1. Rezeknes Tehnologiju Akademija, Latvia (Coordinator)
  2. Niversity Of Ruse Angel Kanchev, Bulgaria
  3. European Center for Education, Science and Innovation, Bulgaria
  4. Veda Consult, Bulgaria
  5. iTStudy Hungary Számítástechnikai Oktató- és Kutatóközpont Kft., Hungary
  6. Universitatea din Pitești, Romania
  7. SWA Bildungsakademie GmbH, Germany








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