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Title and acronym: Online gaming and Digital tools to promote the asylum seekers Integration and increase awareneSS amongst schools of the refugees' crisis in Europe [ODISSEU]

Project type: Erasmus+ Project for Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices – Strategic Partnerships for School Education

Ref. no.: 2018-1-IT02-KA201-048187


Promoter /Coordinator: Oxfam Italia ONLUS (OIT), Italy

Duration: 01/09/2018 to 31/08/2021

Actual stage: In progress

Total project grant: 438.076 Euro

Total expenditure (grant) for the University of Pitești: 49.556 Euro

Local coordinator for the University of Piteşti: Assoc. Professor Dr. Eng. Dumitru CHIRLEȘAN


ODISSEU is a cross-field strategic partnership in the school education field creating an online simulation game responding to 4 key EU-wide needs:

This will address 4 related school needs linked to key EU policy objectives:

Need1: Ensuring inclusive education for young people which combats racism and discrimination on any ground;

Need2: Empowering teachers to educate children and young people in media literacy and to impart common fundamental values and to prevent and combat racism, intolerance and hate speech online;

Need3: Promoting intercultural dialogue through all forms of learning in cooperation with other relevant stakeholders;

Need4: Increase understanding and raise awareness of refugee issues amongst pupils.


ODISSEU is a well-balanced partnership, composed of different types of institutions, with different skills, regionally and culturally diversified. All partners are largely experienced in participating and coordinating European and national projects associated to school education, innovation, ICT and asylum seeker issues.

Partners know ODISSEU can meet these 4 needs because:

-          ODISSEU will have a structural link into the curriculum to embed learning more effectively into formal education: no other models do this;

-          will structurally include student active citizenship actions into the online game;

-          will be informed by real life stories developed by asylum seekers, with specific focus on training them as agent of change and educators;

-          will be developed with the support and evidenced based feedback of Peer Groups, schools themselves and asylum seekers as the end users of the model.




The overall objective is to produce a holistic and inclusive Online Simulation Game to explain forced migration which allows broad participation across the whole school, including integration into the curriculum, provision for skills development and shifts in pedagogy and mindset by participating teachers, and a genuinely involvement of asylum seekers as active change agent throughout the project.

This will make it both innovative (entirely new in EU) and complimentary to existing work. It therefore has 4 objectives:

  • OBJ1: Develop, adapt and transfer an innovative online simulation game to increase understanding and raise awareness of refugee issues amongst secondary school students;
  • OBJ2: Develop online education resources to support secondary school teachers to engage young people in informed discussion about Migration and Asylum in the EU;
  • OBJ3: Promote a positive interaction and active participation of asylum seekers and refuges by engaging them to participate in local community’s life telling their stories;
  • OBJ4: Enhancing young people critical thinking and media literacy.



1. A needs analysis research

2. Curriculum and Story Board

3. Digital Teacher Manual

4. Odisseu Online Game

5. E-library of real-life stories

6. Policy recommendations



  1. Oxfam (IT) - coordinator
  2. University of Erlangen-Nurnberg (DE)
  3. University of Pitesti (RO)
  4. CARDET (CY)
  5. KOPIN (Malta)
  6. Meath County Partnership (IE)





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