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Title and acronym: Green Entrepreneurship Training – Underpinning Prosperity [GET-UP]

Project type: Erasmus + Cooperation for Innovation and the exchange of good practices – Strategic Partnerships for Vocational Education and training
Ref. no.: 2016-1-DE02-KA202-003277



Duration: 01.09.2016 to 31.08.2018  

Total project cost: 294 855.25 Euro

Total expenditure (grant) for the University of Pitesti: 18810 Euro

Local coordinator for the University of Piteşti: Assoc. Professor Dr. Georgeta CHIRLEȘAN


There is little doubt that the development of the green economy can make a significant contribution to restoring Europe’s economy to growth by harnessing new business and employment opportunities that green businesses offer and many countries are looking to green growth as the way out of the current economic crisis. The global market for environmental goods and services is vast and it continues to grow quickly.


The Sustainability Imperative' published in the Harvard Business Review 2012, insists that "sustainability and the green economy is the next transformational business mega-trend comparable to mass production, manufacturing quality movement, IT revolution, and globalization". It further acknowledges that "firms seeking to gain a competitive advantage must know what to do and how to do it" and that "countries must act now to support green initiatives as this unstoppable mega-trend will make or break economies around the world". Although we are still at a relatively early stage of this new mega-trend, it can be expected to continue to grow exponentially.


Educationalists can either fuel entrepreneurship of stop it in its tracks, however, responding to new mega-trends with fit-for-purpose curriculum resources is just the latest in a long line of challenges that educationalists have faced in recent years. It is this challenge that the GET-UP project consortium is committed to addressing by developing a suite of bespoke curriculum resources to support young green entrepreneurs. There is no green entrepreneurship curriculum at any level available in any of the partner countries and when one considers that tomorrow’s green entrepreneurs will create sustainable jobs and wealth for their communities; commercialize new green innovations that will make people’s lives better; and contribute to achieving national economic growth in harmony with environmental protection; there is significant need for educational and training interventions that make the ground fertile for young green entrepreneurs to thrive.


Green entrepreneurship revolves around a set of core principles that set it apart from everyday entrepreneurship. Green entrepreneurs propose business models that are not only economically profitable but also create a positive environmental and social impact. Green entrepreneurs are aware of the need to change the way society has understood development and prosperity during the last century. They aim at integrating the environmental, economic and social axis into the core business of the company and strive to provide eco-innovative solutions to the way goods and services are produced, consumed and offered. Green entrepreneurs provide the breeding ground for starting and sustaining a green economy by providing green products and services; by introducing greener production techniques; by boosting demand for green products and services and by creating green jobs.


GET-UP will harness advances in technology to generate engaging and inspiring learning content. For many educators the growth of on-line learning has created uncertainty and many feel that their professional standing has being undermined. The realisation that the ”sage-on-the-stage” model of education and training is no longer the pre-eminent or only source of learning has led many tutors and the establishments they work for to question the veracity and quality of on-line courses. GET-UP will address these concerns.



GET-UP focuses on the design and development of a bespoke curriculum capable of supporting nascent green entrepreneurs and micro-business owners to realise their business ambitions in the Green Economy. Partners will work on developing a modular curriculum to support ab initio entrepreneurship learning. Partners are also proposing the development of an in-service CPD training resource to facilitate the engagement of  VET professionals with the new curriculum resources and on-line learning environments developed.



(1) Pedagogic research. A comprehensive research programme is envisaged to: identify existing tools, resources and supports that are available in each partner country to encourage entrepreneurship; identify key learning needs of nascent green entrepreneurs to be addressed by the green entrepreneurship curriculum; identify the learning needs of micro-enterprise owners wishing to 'green' their existing business that need to be addressed by the proposed curriculum; identify the CPD needs of VET staff to enable them deliver the new Green Entrepreneurship Curriculum; identify the CPD needs of VET staff to support their work in blended learning environments.


2) Curriculum development. Design, development and testing of the modular Green Entrepreneurship curriculum. This development work will be guided by the learning outcomes matrix contained in the Summary Pedagogic Research Report and by regular peer reviews conducted with the local working groups that comprise key stakeholders. The curriculum will be produced in media-rich formats to support face-to-face and blended learning in a variety of settings and on a range of technology platforms


3) Development of In-service CPD training. Design, development and testing of the CPD training programme for VET professionals. The training will ensure that VET professionals have the necessary understanding and insights to successfully deliver the Green Entrepreneurship curriculum and to work successfully in blended learning environments.

4) Comparative analysis research. A comprehensive research programme to: provide an overview of the development of the green economy in each partner country; provide an overview of entrepreneurship training and supports in each partner country as it currently stands; provide an overview of attitudes to entrepreneurship in each partner country

EUC will collate the findings of this research and draft "Green Entrepreneurship in Europe.


5) Developing Web Platforms . The project website and social media pages will be available in month 1  and updated throughout the project life-cycle.



  1. Universitaet Paderborn (Germany)
  2. University of Pitești (Romania)
  3. Small Firms Enterprise Development Initiative Limited (United Kingdom)
  4. Meath Community Rural and Social Development Partnership Limited (Ireland)
  5. European University Cyprus (Cyprus)
  6. Future in Perspective Limited (Ireland)
  7. Fundacion Universidad Empresa de la Region de Murcia (Spain)
  8. INNOVENTUM OY (Finland)


1. Newsletter - EN

2. Newsletter - RO

3. Newsletter 2 - EN

4. Newsletter 2 - RO

5. Newsletter 3 - EN

6. Newsletter 3- RO

7. GET-UP-Newsletter-UPB-4_RO.pdf

8. GET-UP-Newsletter-UPB-4_RO.doc



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