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Title: Innovation Ecosystems for VET [InEcVET]

Project type: Erasmus+, Key Action 3: Support for policy reform - Forward Looking Cooperation Projects
Ref. no.: 562126-EPP-1-2015-1-IE-EPPKA3-PI-FORWARD



Promoter /Coordinator: Louth and Meath Education and Training Board, Navan, Ireland

Duration: 1st of November 2015 – 31st of October 2017

Total project cost: 666,667 Euro

Total expenditure for the University of Pitesti: 40,957 Euro

Local coordinator for the University of Piteşti: Assoc. Professor Dr. Georgeta CHIRLEŞAN


The challenges and opportunities of globalisation and technological development have led to a strengthened emphasis on innovation as a key driver for sustainable economic development. Innovation is essential for the growth of modern societies and it is also central to achieving economic and social development. While innovation is generally recognized as critical to the continuous improvement of education…it is not yet systematically part of education policy development and the dynamics of innovation in education remain to be fully understood. While it is accepted that the analysis of innovation from a systemic perspective has been limited in the field of VET if the contribution of VET to innovative societies is to be improved, and if VET is to be able to meet the needs of the future jobs market then VET systems and providers themselves need to develop a culture of innovation and creativity. The inherent characteristics of business – namely that it is market driven and flexible, and therefore rapidly adaptable to change, as well as entrepreneurial and innovative – are precisely the qualities that are often lacking in public training systems and this is particularly the case where VET in the partner countries is concerned.


The project envisages to define and pilot an innovation ecosystem for VET based on an agreed set of common elements and principles that can be applied as a framework for innovation in Member States. The function of this ecosystem should be to support the identification, testing, development and assessment of new innovative approaches in the VET sphere which have mainstreaming potential. Sustaining an innovation economy means evolving, adapting, re-imagining and reinventing to create and utilize new ideas and information into both existing and new educational products and services.




The aim of the project is to simultaneously improve the contribution of VET to innovation in Member States while increasing the incidence of innovation in VET. The objective of the project is to define and pilot an innovation ecosystem for VET based on an agreed set of common elements and principles that can be applied as a framework for innovation in Member States. The function of this ecosystem should be to support the identification, testing, development and assessment of new innovative approaches in the VET sphere which have mainstreaming potential. Sustaining an innovation economy means evolving, adapting, re-imagining and reinventing to create and utilize new ideas and information into both existing and new educational products and services. The project specifically addresses Priority 5 – Improve quality and raise excellence in vocational education and training – under the Erasmus+ 2015 Call for proposals.




  1. Comparative Analysis and Report on VET Systems & Structures in the partner countries;
  2. Terms of Reference – a framework document defining how the local multi-stakeholder knowledge partnerships will be established and managed;
  3. Multi-stakeholder Knowledge Partnerships (one per partner country);
  4. Valorisation Plan – a strategy for project outcomes’ dissemination and exploitation;
  5. A series of roundtable/panel discussions (one in each partner country);
  6. Digital newsletters, news on social media, final conference and other dissemination materials and actions;
  7. A video documentary - an audio-visual product for use in promoting and validating the outputs of the project;
  8. “Innovation Ecosystems for VET” Policy Paper;
  9. “Innovation Ecosystem “ - a step-by-step guide;
  10.  The project website and e-learning portal;
  11.  Innovation Ecosystem for VET - a framework for action to bring the worlds of business and education closer together;
  12.  Intrapreneurship Curriculum;
  13.  A training with minimum of 8 VET professionals in each country, drawn from across the full landscape of VET provision;
  14.  Comparative Analysis on Multi-stakeholder Knowledge Partnerships;
  15.  A comparative analysis of the proposed skunk works frameworks in each partner country comparing and contrasting attitudes to the innovation process and how the frameworks functions in each partner country;
  16.  A comparative analysis of the development and implementation of the proposed evaluation and cost benefit analysis framework for the new innovation developed;
  17.  Comparative Analysis Summary Report to compile the findings of the other individual comparative analysis studies into one document.




  1. Louth and Meath Education and Training Board - Ireland (coordinator)
  2. Centre for the Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology - Cyprus
  3. Municipio de Lousada - Portugal
  4. Meath Community Rural and Social Development Partnership Limited – Ireland
  5. Asociatia Oamenilor de Afaceri Arges  - AOA Arges – Romania
  6. Innoventum Oy – Finland
  7. Universitatea din Piteşti – Romania
  8. Conselho Empresarial do Tamega e Sousa – Portugal
  9. European University Cyprus – Cyprus
  10.  Future In Perspective Limited - Ireland





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