Title: An innovative toolkit for inclusive decision making policies [iDecide]
Project type: Support for Policy Reform – Prospective Initiatives / Forward Looking Cooperation Projects / Key Action 3 Ref. no.: 562184-EPP-1-2015-1-CY-EPPKA3-PI-FORWARD
Promoter /Coordinator: Ministry of Education and Culture, Cyprus
Duration: 1st of January 2016 – 31st of December 2018
Total project cost: 666.203,00 Euro
Total expenditure for the University of Pitesti: 60.177 Euro
Local coordinator for the University of Piteşti: Assoc. Professor Dr. Georgeta CHIRLEŞAN
This proposal is driven by a strong social justice, equality perspective in response to the emerging empirical evidence which suggests that health inequalities, among other inequalities, result from social inequalities. Thus a particular strength of the rational of this proposal lies in its focus upon the causes of the causes of social and health inequalities in European societies which emphasise the important role of minimizing learning and teaching disparities. By focusing on the role and practices of schools in health promotion with pupils from socioeconomically disadvantaged communities, the proposed project will also provide new evidence and knowledge about reducing educational inequalities in Europe.
The innovation of this project lies on 3 pillars:
- Shared Decision Making. Giving voice to students, teachers and parents to decide on policies and decisions taking place at the school level with aim to reduce disparities in learning outcomes
- Web Apps and online tools. The use of mobile technologies and web tools to empower active participation of students and teachers in decision making and at the same time to collect rich evidence on the pilot implementation. At the same time, innovative tools will be used to give voice to all students and teachers on policies and practices that impact them every day.
- Interdisciplinary & Transnational. The interdisciplinary, whole-school approach that demonstrates cross-policy integration in tackling disparities in learning outcomes with comparisons in 5 countries.
With this approach, it is expected that policymakers will be enabled to take into consideration the potential effects that their decisions have on the school and life experiences of disadvantaged groups in their specific and broader social context.
This project, by piloting, evaluating and collecting data and by involving school leaders and policymakers in proceedings of experiential interaction with the multiple perspectives embedded in each controversial issue, brings the interests and experiences of disadvantaged groups at the heart of the policymaking process.
The project iDecide aims to develop an innovative toolkit and induction course to support evidence-based policy making that can lead to the reduction of disparities in learning outcomes and marginalization, by supporting school leaders, school staff, and policymakers to engage in shared and inclusive decision making. By implementing the toolkit and collecting rich data, we aim to understand the complexities of how decisions at school level influence marginalized groups and develop concrete recommendations for policy and practice on how to engage in shared decision making, giving voice to all stakeholders.
Specific objectives:
- To review existing literature and approaches
- To develop an innovative toolkit and an induction course
- To pilot the toolkit and induction course
- To implement the toolkit and concrete action plan
- To disseminate the outcomes of the project across Europe
- State of the art report for inclusive decision making
- Tool and guidelines for needs analysis
- Needs assessment report from each partner country
- Innovative toolkit
- Induction course
- Piloting and implementation reports
- online platform, toolkit, course
- Mobile Web App
- Translated and localised sections of the toolkit, course and online platform
- Case studies
- Online Videos
- Policy and practice recommendations
- Management tools (Management, Quality Assurance, Evaluation, Dissemination, Exploitation strategies, plans, materials and progress reports)
- Project website
- European conference and national dissemination workshops
1. Ministry of Education and Culture (MOEC), Cyprus (coordinator)
2. Universitatea din Pitesti (UPIT), Romania
3. University of Peloponnese (UOP), Greece
4. Centre for the Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology (CARDET), Cyprus
5. Louth Meath Education and Training Board (LMETB), Ireland
6. Municipio de Lousada, Portugal
7. INNOVADE LI, Cyprus
iDecide Leaflet Final - EN
iDecide Leaflet Final - RO
Formulare de inregistrare la workshop/Workshop Registration Forms:
1. Formular inregistrare la seminarul de diseminare din 23.11.2018, pt. factori de decizie de inalt nivel din mediul scolar (inspectori scolari/directori)
Registration form for the dissemination seminar on 23.11.2018, for high-level school decision-makers (school inspectors/directors)
2. Formular inregistrare la seminarul de diseminare din 26.11.2018, pt. alti lideri din mediul scolar (sefi de catedre, sefi ai unor comisii de specialitate, etc.)
Registration form for the dissemination seminar on 26.11.2018, for other categories of school decision-makers (chiefs of department, chiefs of specialty commissions, etc.)
3. Formular inregistrare la seminarul de diseminare din 7.12.2018, pt. alti factori (factori de decizie politica, reprezentanti MEN, consilieri, psiho-pedagogi, etc.)
Registration form for the dissemination seminar on 7.12.2018, for other decision-makers (political decision-makers, representatives of Ministry of Education, psychologists, pedagogues, etc.)
4. Formular inregistrare la seminarul de diseminare din 17.12.2018, pt. profesori
Registration form for the dissemination seminar on 17.12.2018, for school teachers
itle: An innovative toolkit for inclusive decision making policies [iDecide]
Project type: Support for Policy Reform – Prospective Initiatives / Forward Looking
Cooperation Projects / Key Action 3
Ref. no.: 562184-EPP-1-2015-1-CY-EPPKA3-PI-FORWARD
Promoter /Coordinator: Ministry of Education and Culture, Cyprus
Duration: 1
of January 2016 – 31
of December 2018
Total project cost: 666.203,00 Euro
Total expenditure for the University of Pitesti: 60.177 Euro
Local coordinator for the University of Piteşti: Assoc. Professor Dr. Georgeta CHIRLEŞAN
This proposal is driven by a strong social justice, equality perspective in response to the
emerging empirical evidence which suggests that health inequalities, among other
inequalities, result from social inequalities. Thus a particular strength of the rational of this
proposal lies in its focus upon the causes of the causes of social and health inequalities in
European societies which emphasise the important role of minimizing learning and teaching
disparities. By focusing on the role and practices of schools in health promotion with pupils
from socioeconomically disadvantaged communities, the proposed project will also provide
new evidence and knowledge about reducing educational inequalities in Europe.
The innovation of this project lies on 3 pillars:
Shared Decision Making. Giving voice to students, teachers and parents to decide on
policies and decisions taking place at the school level with aim to reduce disparities in
learning outcomes
Web Apps and online tools. The use of mobile technologies and web tools to empower
active participation of students and teachers in decision making and at the same time
to collect rich evidence on the pilot implementation. At the same time, innovative tools
will be used to give voice to all students and teachers on policies and practices that
impact them every day.
Interdisciplinary & Transnational. The interdisciplinary, whole-school approach that
demonstrates cross-policy integration in tackling disparities in learning outcomes with
comparisons in 5 countries.
With this approach, it is expected that policymakers will be enabled to take into consideration
the potential effects that their decisions have on the school and life experiences of
disadvantaged groups in their specific and broader social context.
This project, by piloting, evaluating and collecting data and by involving school leaders and
policymakers in proceedings of experiential interaction with the multiple perspectives
embedded in each controversial issue, brings the interests and experiences of disadvantaged
groups at the heart of the policymaking process.
The project iDecide aims to develop an innovative toolkit and induction course to support
evidence-based policy making that can lead to the reduction of disparities in learning
outcomes and marginalization, by supporting school leaders, school staff, and policymakers to
engage in shared and inclusive decision making. By implementing the toolkit and collecting
rich data, we aim to understand the complexities of how decisions at school level influence
marginalized groups and develop concrete recommendations for policy and practice on how
to engage in shared decision making, giving voice to all stakeholders.
Specific objectives:
- To review existing literature and approaches
- To develop an innovative toolkit and an induction course
- To pilot the toolkit and induction course
- To implement the toolkit and concrete action plan
- To disseminate the outcomes of the project across Europe
State of the art report for inclusive decision making
Tool and guidelines for needs analysis
Needs assessment report from each partner country
Innovative toolkit
Induction course
Piloting and implementation reports
online platform, toolkit, course
Mobile Web App
Translated and localised sections of the toolkit, course and online platform
Case studies
Online Videos
Policy and practice recommendations
Management tools (Management, Quality Assurance, Evaluation, Dissemination,
Exploitation strategies, plans, materials and progress reports)
Project website
European conference and national dissemination workshops
1. Ministry of Education and Culture (MOEC), Cyprus (coordinator)
2. Universitatea din Pitesti (UPIT), Romania
3. University of Peloponnese (UOP), Greece
4. Centre for the Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology
(CARDET), Cyprus
5. Louth Meath Education and Training Board (LMETB), Ireland
6. Municipio de Lousada, Portugal
7. INNOVADE LI, Cyprus