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In Constructie


European Energy Programme for Recovery PDF Imprimare Email



A €4bn programme was set up in 2009 to co-finance projects (59 so far), designed to make energy supplies more reliable and help reduce greenhouse emissions, while simultaneously boosting Europe's economic recovery.


Specific areas


The projects cover 3 broad fields:

  • gas and electricity infrastructure projects,
  • offshore wind projects
  • carbon capture and storage projects


How they make lives better for citizens?


  • A stepping-stone in this initiative is the creation of a real cross-border hub, including two corridors, between France and Spain. With this investment, much more gas can be transported from Spain to France and vice-versa. It will enable to convey energy from Spain to France and beyond to other European Member States. As this gas originates from North Africa, it helps diversifying gas supply in Europe. It will also help Spain exporting its surplus wind production in the months of high winds or solar energy also from Africa in the future. Energy from wind or solar energy can not be stored.
  • Similarly, the extension of the gas infrastructure related to the "Poland – Germany interconnector" will enable the transport of additional gas volumes from the Germany to the Poland at the Lasów node, in case of supply disruption in Eastern Europe, by increasing the capacity. This project of reverse flow will highly contribute to the security of supply – this means that gas can now flow in two directions.
  • The implementation of the Tranovice - Cieszyn - Skoczow pipeline project will allow for bidirectional gas flow between Poland and the Czech Republic. It is ensuring first direct connection between these networks and thus improving market integration in the region. The new gas pipeline will allow for a more secure natural gas supply of the citizens in the Polish region of Silezia, the Czech Republic, eliminating the negative impacts caused by the temporary supply cuts during the last years.



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