Oportunitati de finantare
In Constructie
Title: MAJMIN – Major competencies to manage minor offenders Project type: LLP / LdV – Development of Innovation, Multilateral Project
Promoter /Coordinator: Universitatea din Piteşti, Romania Duration: 2 years Total value of the grant: 346.543 Euro Grant value for University of Pitesti: 44.731 Euro
The factors contributing to delinquency include social exclusion, migration, racism, gender inequality, violence (societal and domestic), and breakdown of the family, lack of positive role models and the influence of media. All these factors need to be addressed when we approach juvenile crime. European Council emphasized (2007) that prevention is the key to solving the problem of young offenders. Family, school and society all have important roles to play in educating and re-educating young people. Juvenile delinquency accounts for an average of 10.5 percent of crime, although it can rise to 22 percent in some countries and that there is no central database available within an EU institution that allows comparing crime statistics on the different types of juvenile and urban crime. EC particularly stressed the delay of activating in national, regional and community levels structures to combat delinquency. Having in mind all the above, the consortium decided to work together in order to develop an integrated professional training platform for the personnel directly or indirectly involved in the work with juvenile delinquents. A special emphasize will be put on the VET provision for the first layer of target groups meaning groups of professionals.
Objectives: The goal is to increase the specific professional training provisions that will enforce the involvement of different parts involved in the management of juvenile crime, for a better response to the needs for social inclusion of minor offenders. The general objectives are: 1. To upgrade the professional competencies by specific professional training of different categories directly or indirectly involved in the management of juvenile criminality and in the assistance of minor offenders 2. To endow the family members with specific competencies 3. To increase the functionality and inter-operability of the structures that manages the juvenile crime
Outcomes: The main outcomes: 1. Research Report focusing on: - minor offenders categories in the EU - institutions and organisations involved - specific categories of professionals - mechanisms, criteria and good practice examples of dealing with minor offenders 2. EQF based curriculum for VET training of professionals 3. VET provisions - methodological guide - handbook - eLearning facility - ECVET based evaluation/certification methodology 4. Training course 5. International symposium under EfVET