Oportunitati de finantare

In Constructie


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Title: VALED – Valuing Adult Education

Project type: LLP / Grundtvig – Learning Partnership
Ref. no.: GRU-11-P-LP-154-AG-DE


Promoter /Coordinator: verein iq - Institut für Qualifizierung e.V., DE

Duration: 2 years
Actual stage: Finalised

Grant value for University of Pitesti: 15.000 Euro


Other than the mere transfer of knowledge the transfer of values and social competences should also play an important role in our educational system. This should include practicing abilities like, for example, accepting criticism, being sensitive and creative as well as the so called secondary virtues such as reliability, discipline, respect for and devotion to the people around you.

The present project proposal VALED intends to tackle the following questions: do people need values in order to master the processes of change in a global world? What values do we need nowadays and in what way will these values change?

An individual’s values and value attitudes change in the course of life, even though certain stances on value are determined during the process of growing up. Hence, it is only to a limited extent that the forming and change of values and value attitudes are connected to graduation from school. Does adult education, too, see itself facing this process of value orientation and transfer? How can the significance and transfer of values in adult education be justified? How can this be put into practice and how is it already being realised in current practice?

This project VALED aims to ascertain the extent to which value orientation and transfer are taking place in adult education in the European context. From there on, an exchange on the different conceptions of values in education and their realisation will lead to a common European conception of values in adult education and an attempt will be made to develop ideas for a didactic concept of value orientation and transfer to be used for training in adult education.



The project objective is to enable educational organisations, their employees and learners to work on the topic of values in educational processes, which embraces a lot of possible aspects. The project will identify the values of each partner country and the partnership will work on a European definition of values each partner can agree on. This will add to the assessment of each partners situation and development of professional competences of all providers of adult education participating in the partnership and give impulses to their daily work and self-conceptions as education providers.



Documentation manual (continous collection of texts and photos)

Learners' Diaries

Evaluation and other standard forms

Website of the project

Internal transfer workshops

Leaflet/brochure of the project

Educational curriculum for trainers of (adult) education

Results of the evaluation



  1. verein iq - Institut für Qualifizierung e.V. (coordinator), DE
  2. Çan Provincial Education Authority, TR
  3. afnréttishús / Equality Centre, IS
  4. Yale College of Wrexham, UK
  5. Telsiai Education Centre, LT
  6. Universitatea din Piteşti, RO
  7. Institute of Science Communication and Higher Education Research, Alpen-Adria-University of Klagenfurt, Graz, Vienna, AT





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