Title: Disability and Active Citizenship [D-ACTIVE]
Project type: LLP / Grundtvig - Multilateral Projects Ref. no.: 510773-LLP-1-2010-1-ITGRUNDTVIG-GMP
Promoter /Coordinator: Consorzio CO&So Firenze, Italy
Duration: 2 years Actual stage: Finalised
Total value of the grant: 299.981 Euro
Grant value for University of Pitesti: 32.568 Euro
The D-ACTIVE project aims at fostering active citizenship and learning among a particular adult target group at high risk of marginalization: persons with intellectual disability.
The project partners (both institutional and private) have recognized the following problems concerning the target group:
difficulty in implementing activities aimed at developing key and specialist competencies (according to recommendations proposed by the European Council as in Barcelona Conference 12/05/2009 ET2020);
difficulty in providing European methods in order to foster the concrete development of essential competencies or becoming active citizens and finding better jobs.
Starting from a tool used in clinical and social fields - the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, the so-called ICF (recommended by WHO) and in order to address the needs explained above, the D-CTIVE project aims at creating and experimenting multidimensional and integrated tools and applicative models in education.
The main outputs are:
to create and experiment a handbook and a model course in order to train educationalists to implement actions aimed at developing active citizenship in people with intellectual disability;
to create and experiment a handbook and a model course to be used by trained educationalist when dealing with people with intellectual disability;
a permanent on-line platform for acquiring tools, collecting and comparing data resulting from research.
The envisaged impacts are:
realizing intervention models recognized and usable on a European scale;
using the created models in educational work and in actions of programming, research, and comparing among different European countries;
cconcerning people with intellectual disability and their families: improvement of the quality of life;
development of opportunities for exercising their rights to active citizenship
fulfillment of the objectives setup by the European Council.
Consorzio CO&So Firenze, Italy (coordinator)
Comune di Firenze, Italy
Regione Veneto, Italy
Conseil General du Val de Marne, France
INIT Developments Ltd, Germany
Universitatea din Pitesti, Romania
Inst. Valenciano de Atencion a Discapacitados y Accion Social, Spain
Jugend am Werk Steiermark GmbH, Austria
Local Union of Municipalities and Town Council of Attica, Greece