Oportunitati de finantare

In Constructie


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Title: Disability and Active Citizenship [D-ACTIVE]

Project type: LLP / Grundtvig - Multilateral Projects
Ref. no.: 510773-LLP-1-2010-1-ITGRUNDTVIG-GMP


Promoter /Coordinator: Consorzio CO&So Firenze, Italy

Duration: 2 years
Actual stage: Finalised

Total value of the grant: 299.981 Euro

Grant value for University of Pitesti: 32.568 Euro


The D-ACTIVE project aims at fostering active citizenship and learning among a particular adult target group at high risk of marginalization: persons with intellectual disability.

The project partners (both institutional and private) have recognized the following problems concerning the target group:

  • difficulty in implementing activities aimed at developing key and specialist competencies (according to recommendations proposed by the European Council as in Barcelona Conference 12/05/2009 ET2020);

  • difficulty in providing European methods in order to foster the concrete development of essential competencies or becoming active citizens and finding better jobs.



Starting from a tool used in clinical and social fields - the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, the so-called ICF (recommended by WHO) and in order to address the needs explained above, the D-CTIVE project aims at creating and experimenting multidimensional and integrated tools and applicative models in education.



The main outputs are:

  • to create and experiment a handbook and a model course in order to train educationalists to implement actions aimed at developing active citizenship in people with intellectual disability;

  • to create and experiment a handbook and a model course to be used by trained educationalist when dealing with people with intellectual disability;

  • a permanent on-line platform for acquiring tools, collecting and comparing data resulting from research.

The envisaged impacts are:

  • realizing intervention models recognized and usable on a European scale;

  • using the created models in educational work and in actions of programming, research, and comparing among different European countries;

  • cconcerning people with intellectual disability and their families: improvement of the quality of life;

  • development of opportunities for exercising their rights to active citizenship

  • fulfillment of the objectives setup by the European Council.




  1. Consorzio CO&So Firenze, Italy (coordinator)

  2. Comune di Firenze, Italy

  3. Regione Veneto, Italy

  4. Conseil General du Val de Marne, France

  5. INIT Developments Ltd, Germany

  6. Universitatea din Pitesti, Romania

  7. Inst. Valenciano de Atencion a Discapacitados y Accion Social, Spain

  8. Jugend am Werk Steiermark GmbH, Austria

  9. Local Union of Municipalities and Town Council of Attica, Greece



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